
Plugin to paste and apply CSS styles to your objects and frames in Figma

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSS Paint Figma Plugin


A Figma plugin to easily apply CSS styles to your objects, layers and frames

Support Guide

CSS Property Figma Property Supported Values Status
color textNode.fill All color types 🟒 Stable
background-color node.fills All color types 🟒 Stable
background-image node.fills Linear and radial gradients only 🟑 Beta
border strokes, strokeWeight, dashPattern All color types - Pixel values - Solid, dashed and dotted 🟠 Alpha
border-top-width strokeWeight Pixel values 🟠 Alpha
border-right-width strokeWeight Pixel values 🟠 Alpha
border-bottom-width strokeWeight Pixel values 🟠 Alpha
border-left-width strokeWeight Pixel values 🟠 Alpha
border-top-color strokes All color types 🟒 Stable
border-right-color strokes All color types 🟒 Stable
border-bottom-color strokes All color types 🟒 Stable
border-left-color strokes All color types 🟒 Stable
border-color strokes All color types 🟒 Stable
border-width strokeWeight Pixel values 🟒 Stable
border-style dashPattern Solid, dashed and dotted 🟒 Stable
border-radius topLeftRadius, topRightRadius, bottomRightRadius, bottomLeftRadius Pixel values 🟒 Stable
border-top-left-radius topLeftRadius Pixel values 🟒 Stable
border-top-right-radius topRightRadius Pixel values 🟒 Stable
border-bottom-left-radius bottomRightRadius Pixel values 🟒 Stable
border-bottom-right-radius bottomLeftRadius Pixel values 🟒 Stable
box-shadow node.effects All formats of inner shadows and drop shadows 🟒 Stable
text-shadow node.effects All drop shadow formats 🟒 Stable
background-blend-mode node.blendMode All blend modes 🟒 Stable
mix-blend-mode node.blendMode All blend modes 🟒 Stable
text-decoration node.textDecoration Underline, strikethrough, none 🟒 Stable
display node.layoutMode Autolayout horizontal 🟒 Stable
text-transform textNode.textCase Uppercase, lowercase, title, original 🟒 Stable
flex-direction node.layoutMode row, column 🟒 Stable
justify-content node.primaryAxisAlignItems flex-start, flex-end, center, space-between 🟑 Beta
align-items node.counterAxisAlignItems flex-start, flex-end, center 🟑 Beta
flex-wrap node.layoutWrap nowrap, `wrap1 🟒 Stable
flex-grow node.layoutGrow Numbers 🟒 Stable
gap node.itemSpacing Numbers 🟒 Stable
padding node.paddingTop, node.paddingRight, node.paddingBottom, node.paddingLeft One, two, three or four sets of numbered values 🟑 Beta
padding-top node.paddingTop One set of numbered values 🟑 Beta
padding-right node.paddingRight One set of numbered values 🟑 Beta
padding-bottom node.paddingBottom One set of numbered values 🟑 Beta
padding-left node.paddingLeft One set of numbered values 🟑 Beta
filter node.effects Blur only (layer blur) 🟒 Stable
backdrop-filter node.effects Blur only (background blur) 🟒 Stable
rotate node.rotation Deg only 🟑 Beta
opacity node.opacity 0 -> 1 values 🟒 Stable
overflow node.clipsContent hidden 🟒 Stable
overflow-y node.clipsContent hidden (affects x and y) 🟒 Stable
overflow-x node.clipsContent hidden (affects x and y) 🟒 Stable
width node.resize All color types 🟒 Stable
height node.resize All color types 🟒 Stable
text-overflow - Truncate when ellipsis βšͺ Todo
text-clip - Text-based gradients βšͺ Todo
ul - List βšͺ Todo
ol - List βšͺ Todo
text-align - Text alignment βšͺ Todo
letter-spacing - Letter spacing βšͺ Todo
line-height - Line height βšͺ Todo
font-style - Font style βšͺ Todo
font-size - Font size βšͺ Todo
font-weight - Font weight βšͺ Todo
font-family - Font family βšͺ Todo

Development guide

This plugin is built with Create Figma Plugin.


Build the plugin

To build the plugin:

$ npm run build

This will generate a manifest.json file and a build/ directory containing the JavaScript bundle(s) for the plugin.

To watch for code changes and rebuild the plugin automatically:

$ npm run watch

Install the plugin

  1. In the Figma desktop app, open a Figma document.
  2. Search for and run Import plugin from manifest… via the Quick Actions search bar.
  3. Select the manifest.json file that was generated by the build script.


Use console.log statements to inspect values in your code.

To open the developer console, search for and run Show/Hide Console via the Quick Actions search bar.

See also

Official docs and code samples from Figma: