
sbt 'runMain FindDupWordsInFiles /tmp/someDirectory'

at the shell prompt.

Wait until you see a chunk of logging output from Spark being emitted to the console.

Then create some test data files that have repeated word counts like this:

echo -e "moo cow\ncow"  > /tmp/someDirectory/file1
echo -e "moo moo bow\nwow"  > /tmp/someDirectory/file2

After 1 and 10 seconds elapsed you will see 'Duplicated Word Reports', as described below.


This project illustrates how customized implementations of org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader can be used in conjunction with Spark Streaming to create reports which trigger during major and minor batch intervals and, which:

  • monitor a directory for newly arriving files,

  • and, for each minor batch interval emit a report of all the duplicate words found in the files that have been dropped into that directory.

For each duplicate word found, the report for the minor batch interval will detail the number of times that word was found across all files, together with a list of "occurence details" consisting of the name of the file and the line number (in that file) that describes exactly where a particular occurence of word was found.

The major batch interval report will detail the total number of occurrences of each duplicate word found in all preceding minor batch intervals that comprise the major batch interval.

Note that if a word was not flagged as a duplicate in any of the minor batch intervals, it will not be considered a duplicate even if it happened to occur in in some file during two or more minor batch intervals. For the word to be considered a duplicate, and for it's occurrence to be counted on the major batch interval report, it must have occured as a dup in at least one minor batch interval (in other words: only duplicates within such intervals will count toward the total in the major interval report.)

Below is an example of streaming data input, and the resultant output we would expect from the program. Note that for documentation purposes the '#' character denotes a comment and should not be considered part of the data (although the actual program does NOT support comments.)

We assume a major interval every 2 minor intervals

---- minor interval 1 -----
    file: foo1
        a brown cow
        cow now
    file: foo2
        cat cow
        how now dish

    <report for minor interval 1 >
    cow: 3   -   foo1/1 foo1/2  foo2/1
    now: 2   -   foo1/2  foo2/2

---- minor interval 2 -----
    file: bar1
        fish dish now
        fish wish
        cow  now  #  cow is not a dup in this cycle. 
                  #  It will therefore not appear in the report for this minor interval.
                  #  Similarly, this occurence of 'cow' will not counted in the major interval summary

    file: bar2

    <report for minor interval 2 >
    now: 3   -   bar1/1 bar1/3
    fish: 2  -   bar1/1 bar1/2

---- minor interval 3 -----

    file: hoho1
        ring ring

    <summary report for first major batch interval (subsuming minor intervals 1 and 2)>
    cow: 3
    now: 5
    fish: 2

    <report for minor interval 3 >
    ring: 2   -   hoho1/1 hoho1/1