A textarea perfectly compatible with ReactJS default one which auto resizes its height based on user input.
- 5
Add react 17 as peer dependency
#149 opened by piotrblasiak - 1
Bottom padding missing in Firefox
#151 opened by silverwind - 4
- 0
Using StyledComponents and MaxRows without "jumps"
#154 opened by bensquire - 3
Bug with latest version of autosize
#152 opened by himynameistimli - 1
"Paste" doesn't work
#150 opened by avalenti89 - 1
How to 'force' auto-height calculation?
#147 opened by ZeroByter - 3
- 5
7.1 version breaks TypeScript projects by declaring optional properties as required
#146 opened by ngbrown - 2
- 0
#145 opened by NiceboyWiseboy - 3
Failed prop type: Invalid prop `innerRef` of type `function` supplied to `TextareaAutosizeClass`, expected `object`
#141 opened by tommedema - 1
How the initial height of the textarea is calculated ?
#140 opened by Aarbel - 2
Styled Component example seems to be broken
#143 opened by oyeanuj - 7
- 6
- 1
- 1
onChange typescript definition problem
#137 opened by zwigglers - 1
Switch to forwardRef instead of callback style ref
#134 opened by kelly-tock - 1
Function passed to innerRef is never called
#135 opened by amsterdamharu - 3
lose ref value after rerendering page
#133 opened by k-hoang - 1
#132 opened by toranb - 8
- 1
IE11 not supported (?)
#129 opened by sebhewelt - 0
- 1
autoFocus doesn't work
#128 opened by xiaochy2 - 1
`innerRef` shortcomings
#123 opened by rhys-vdw - 2
If passed value to component on its initial render, he does not resize textarea for it.
#122 opened by pilotocheg - 4
Component `Props` type incorrectly includes `ref`
#104 opened by rhys-vdw - 0
disable placeholder from auto-resizing
#121 opened by oreporan - 0
- 0
onResize types are wrong
#119 opened by FrancescoCioria - 1
Change size to default when clearing textarea
#120 opened by DimaBur - 1
Is there a way to control Alignment?
#90 opened by carpben - 3
Provide an instance method to update size
#114 opened by olavim - 3
- 2
Placeholder text overrides the defaultValue
#110 opened by Pranav-Dakshina - 2
- 2
innerRef / inputRef
#112 opened by kimbylr - 7
onChange not invoked when textarea resizes if `state` is updated in onResize callback
#109 opened by vlazh - 0
Fix namespace export
#107 opened by veej - 2
Breaks any transition with TransitionGroup
#106 opened by YCMitch - 5
- 0
Changing number of rows doesn't update styles
#100 opened by efedorenko - 5
How to make Textarea height adjust responsively?
#97 opened by joetidee - 2
Error after render component.
#99 opened by dramoturg - 1
- 0
Update "@types/react" to v16.0.30
#89 opened by FrancescoCioria - 3
Missing to publish lib folder to npm?
#83 opened by rohmanhm - 0
TS Types can't be found by VSCode/tsc
#82 opened by FrancescoCioria