
  1. Getting started
  2. Local development
  3. Create a pull request

Getting started

Thank you for your interest in Buildog and your willingness to contribute!

Recognizing the challenges bloggers face in managing their content, we’re committed to making the process smoother and more efficient. We are building this tool to provide bloggers with an intuitive platform to streamline their blogging workflow.

To get started, it’s helpful to understand what Buildog is and how it operates:

  • What is buildog?: Buildog is a web-based application designed to help bloggers write, schedule, and publish their content efficiently. It aims to streamline the blogging process and provide valuable insights into content performance.

  • How Buildog Works?: This section provides a high-level overview of Buildog's functionality and user interface. It outlines the key features and components that you’ll interact with, offering insight into how the application supports your tasks and workflows. It’s a great starting point to understand how to navigate and utilize Buildog effectively.

Install dependencies

You will need to install and configure the following dependencies on your machine to build Buildog:

  • Git
  • Node.js v18.x (LTS)
  • pnpm version 8.x.x

Local development

This repo uses Turborepo.

Fork the repo

To contribute code to Buildog, you must fork the Buildog repo.

Clone the repo

  1. Clone your GitHub forked repo:
git clone<github_username>/buildog.git
  1. Go to the Buildog directory:
cd buildog

Install dependencies

  1. Install the dependencies in the root of the repo.
pnpm install # install dependencies
  1. After that you can run the apps simultaneously with the following.
pnpm dev
Directory Description Local development server
/apps/buildog The main web application. http://localhost:3000
/apps/api The main backend application. http://localhost:3010
/apps/docs The main documentation. http://localhost:8080

Environment variables

Environment variables documentation includes instructions on how to set up Firebase and the database for Buildog. Providing environment variables documentation is highly recommended to getting started. Firebase - How to setup Firebase Database - How to setup Database

Shared components

The monorepo has a set of shared components under /packages:

  • /packages/ui: shadcn/ui components.
  • /packages/typescript-config: Shared Typescript settings
  • /packages/eslint-config: Shared eslint settings

Adding new component on @repo/ui

Use the pre-made script:

pnpm ui:add <shadcn/ui-component-name>

This works just like the add command in the shadcn/ui CLI.

Installing packages

Installing a package with pnpm workspaces requires you to add the --filter flag to tell pnpm which workspace you want to install into. Do not install dependencies in their local folder, install them from the route using the --filter flag.

pnpm add <package> --filter <workspace>
pnpm uninstall <package> --filter <workspace>

For example:

  • pnpm add react --filter ./apps/buildog installs into ./apps/buildog

Create a pull request

After making any changes, open a pull request. Once your PR has been merged, you will be proudly listed as a contributor.