
Site test for stampede2 at TACC using buildtest

Primary LanguageC


This repository contains the the test suite to be run with buildtest for Stampede2 at TACC. To get started first install buildtest in your user account, then proceed with cloning this repository.

To get started you can clone the repository via git or buildtest repo command.

git clone https://github.com/buildtesters/buildtest-stampede2
buildtest repo add git@github.com:buildtesters/buildtest-stampede2.git

Next copy the .buildtest/settings.yml file provided in this repo into $HOME/.buildtest/settings.yml. Once you are done, you can do a few preliminary steps to check your setup is valid.

  1. Validating buildtest configuration
(buildtest) login2.stampede2(1034)$ buildtest config validate
/home1/06908/sms1990/.buildtest/settings.yml is valid
  1. Confirm buildtesters/buildtest-stampede2 is an active repository
(buildtest) login2.stampede2(1035)$ buildtest repo list
  1. Find and validate all buildspecs for buildtesters/buildtest-stampede2
buildtest buildspec find

Building Test

To build test you will need to use buildtest build -b <buildspec> you may want to review Getting Started Guide to get familiar with the client tool.

To build & run all buildspecs in system directory, you can do the following:

$ buildtest build -b system

You may build individual buildspec by specifying a file path for example:

$ buildtest build -b system/dns.yml
