Multiplayer Web Application

This is a multiplayer web application where players can submit Unicode characters to a 10x10 grid, with real-time state management and socket connections. The application consists of two parts:

  • Client: Frontend built with React and Tailwind CSS.
  • Server: Backend powered by Node.js and Express, with MongoDB as the database.


  1. Node.js: Install Node.js (version >= 18) from Node.js downloads.
  2. MongoDB: You need a MongoDB instance. You can either run it locally or use a cloud service like MongoDB Atlas.
  3. Git: Make sure Git is installed.

Running the Project Locally

Clone the Repository

git clone
cd multiplayer-web

1. Running the Client

The client folder contains the React frontend.


  1. Navigate to the client folder.

    cd client
  2. Install dependencies.

    npm install
  3. Start the React development server.

    npm run dev

The client should now be running at http://localhost:5173.

2. Running the Server

The server folder contains the Express backend.


  1. Navigate to the server folder.

    cd server
  2. Create an .env file in the server folder based on the .env.sample file (details below).

  3. Install dependencies.

    npm install
  4. Start the server.

    npm run dev

The server should now be running at http://localhost:3000.

Environment Variables

.env.sample (for Server)

MONGODB_URL= # You need to add your MongoDB connection string here
  • MONGODB_URL: Add your MongoDB connection string (from MongoDB Atlas or local instance).

Congratulation 🎉🎉