A cross platform plugin for modifying calendars on the user's device
- 0
Cannot be received calendar events in version 4.3.3
#566 opened by yonggipo - 0
Cannot be received calendar events in version 4.3.3.
#565 opened by yonggipo - 4
Anroid: retrieveCalendars is returning an empty list
#560 opened by dbrpci - 7
iOS 17 PlatformException(401, The user has not allowed this application to modify their calendar(s), null, null)
#561 opened by FySanta - 2
- 2
Cannot compile your package with AGP 8+, you need to add the namespace field to your build.gradle
#554 opened by valentinozegna - 0
I can't reproduce the example
#556 opened by erperejildo - 3
iOS 17 "Add Events Only"
#526 opened by everfinal88 - 0
Timezone inconsistency between iOS and Android
#559 opened by hamishjohnson - 3
The event with the ID could not be found.
#555 opened by michalcharvat - 5
Does not build in release mode
#553 opened by andreystavitsky - 7
RecurrenceRule needs different endDate
#557 opened by erperejildo - 1
Recurring events on iOS are returned as individual events and not one with a recurring rule
#530 opened by brandonguigo - 4
Add eventid customization
#518 opened by CatinoRosalba - 2
- 8
- 2
This package does not compile on Android apps with the newest Android Gradle Plugin, please modify as suggested
#540 opened by valentinozegna - 2
Flutter build appbundle --release
#523 opened by VasMaxence - 4
Events created on Google calendar on iOS reflects only if I launch apple calendar first and then open the app
#534 opened by Praveena0989 - 1
Unable to add events on both ios and android.
#538 opened by akshykalia - 2
device_calendar plugin not working on release mode
#541 opened by Nehal-1234 - 1
AllDay and date start / end bug
#543 opened by ak1987 - 0
Location is not filled
#544 opened by Dekhnar - 0
Deleting 20+ events at once does not work
#545 opened by CrayolaEater - 0
Singleton pattern on EKEventStore instance
#551 opened by AlexisChoupault - 1
Fluter Lastes unable to build
#547 opened by lucasjinreal - 1
- 1
A way to fill "location" field with an address
#504 opened by Dekhnar - 27
iOS 17 PlatformException(500, That account does not allow calendars to be added or removed., null, null)
#490 opened by Allenxuxu - 10
ios flutter: PlatformException(401, The user has not allowed this application to modify their calendar(s), null, null)
#485 opened by FangPro - 1
Add list of dayOfMonth on RecurrenceFrequency.Monthly
#537 opened by devnta - 0
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Change name and/or color of existing calendar
#533 opened by SuperKrallan - 6
The Android Gradle plugin supports only kotlin-android-extensions Gradle plugin version 1.6.20 and higher.
#496 opened by nobodyyu - 2
keyWindow depricated
#529 opened by SuperKrallan - 2
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[4.3.2] Google Account calendar events do not load
#524 opened by yarmel - 0
Need to add device calendar holidays.
#520 opened by meet1167 - 0
How do you set the color of the event
#517 opened by peng093 - 4
Calendar permission not showing
#507 opened by info-trone - 4
eventId inconsistency between iOS and Android
#509 opened by borjandev - 4
Wrong Timezone
#506 opened by tungakanui - 0
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Add equality to Calendar object
#491 opened by Hugodehu - 10
Consider switching to flutter_timezone
#495 opened by tjarvstrand - 1
INVOKE_CHANNEL_METHOD_ERROR: PlatformException(401, The user has not allowed this application to modify their calendar(s), null, null)
#494 opened by davehorner - 0
- 1
Creating duplicate calendars
#492 opened by milindgoel15 - 1
add new calendar as read only
#488 opened by MohamedGawdat - 1