
This repos contains all the functions which are used in the projects related to rgb images

Primary LanguagePython

rgb libraries

This repos contains all the functions which are used in the projects related to rgb images. It contains several libraries, functions as following
(1) rgb_libs.cpp: cpp program handles with the camera and service. It saves a rgb file each time the service is called.
(2) rgb_libs_client.cpp: will call a proxy to the designated service, both roscpp and rospy.
(3) imageServer.py: similar to rgb_libs.cpp, but wrote in python
(4) bbox.py: deploy tensorflow/keras to read the model from yolo, and detect the centroid of a object. It is used in the program bboxServer.py
(5) combine the service with the bounding box program. Each time a service is called, it will detect object and return its centroid.
(6) Some initial files such as talker.py, cv_yolov3Camera.py, dzungyolov3keras2.py pubImgbyFrequency.py
(7) the files starts by c_.. are the libraries for the crackdetection ... (8) (9) (10) There is some problem arising: how to combine the python 3.7 of ANet with python 2.7 for openCV for processing and saving image
Due to the large volume of cnn model, it could not save here. Go to google drive to download it.