Sopra Steria
Durant mon stage chez Sopra Steria j'éssaie de maitriser ansible
Suivez mon aventure ici
Sopra Steria
I'm trying to do something useful of ansible for my internship at Sopra Steria
Follow my adventures here : bash script simplifying the ssh key exchange from the host and the machines
WinRMcfg.ps1 : Windows script to configure a Windows host for remote management with Ansible
main.yml : update and install apache2 on linux hosts using aptitude
showyourwebsite.yml : activate windows IIS with management tools and setup a html page on windows hosts
jboss-as.yml : install a fully configurable jboss application server instance on CentOs hosts
jboss-mgmt-usr.yml : create a jboss management user, need to use a java class to encrypt the password
jbossAnApp.yml : deploy an application on a Jboss server
install_zabbix: install on windows a zabbix agent used for monitoring services
openshift_hosts : host file for installing openshift : explain how to install Ansible and Semaphore (GUI)