

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hello, can anybody shares the file"eas_ldscores.tar.bz2" with me? the website https://alkesgroup.broadinstitute.org/LDSCORE/ did not available now, this is my email, thanks in advance!!!

The file has been sent.

The description of new file storage address is here

Due to excessive data transfer costs, this directory is now available on a requester-pays basis at

Hello, I also meet this problem now. And I can't download it from google storage. Could you please send the file "eas_ldscores.tar.bz2" to 1700012173@pku.edu.cn? Really thanks a lot! @TianTTL @1667857557

Hi, would you please also send me this file. My email address is jiarui.mi@zju.edu.cn. Thanks for sharing and all the best!

Hi, would you please also send me this file. my email address is 22211020104@m.fudan.edu.cn. thank you very much!! best wishes.

Dear all,

You can download the file from the following link: eas_ldscores.tar.bz2.

If it's against community rules to share this file publicly, please let me know.

Wishing you all the best in your research.
@wbm1999 @JiaruiMi @Akki-akki