
Error: Missing some LD scores from cts files. Are you sure all SNPs in ref-ld-chr are also in ref-ld-chr-cts

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I generated cell-type-specific LDScores from bed files using the "1000G_Phase3_EAS_plinkfiles.tgz" from the google cloud and tried to run ldsc.py in the cts mode using the "1000G_EAS_Phase3_baseline_v1.2" but I get the following message:

ValueError: Missing some LD scores from cts files. Are you sure all SNPs in ref-ld-chr are also in ref-ld-chr-cts

I've done this analysis using the EUR reference files and everything seems to work just well. Do I need to use different files?

hi, I had the same error. Did you get it solved? Thanks

Hi, I couldn't generate matching files, so I manually intersected the ldscore.gz files from the EAS baseline and my custom files. This decreased the number of SNPs in both files so I guess is not ideal, but it allowed me to run the regression.

Thank you so much for your reply. Could you please kindly provide your code? Thanks again.

This error may be caused by the mismatch between hapmap3_snps list and EAS baseline. While generating cell type specific LD score with parameter '--print-snps', some snps in baseline model were filtered.