
Could anyone send me the "eas_ldscores.tar.bz2"? I wanted to calculate the ldsc of Asia, but I found I didn't have such file. And I can't download it from cloud. If anyone can send me it, my e-mail is chenqiwjc@gmail.com. Thank you so much.

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Could anyone send me the "eas_ldscores.tar.bz2"? I wanted to calculate the ldsc of Asia, but I found I didn't have such file. And I can't download it from cloud. If anyone can send me it, my e-mail is chenqiwjc@gmail.com. Thank you so much.

Do you have the file https://storage.googleapis.com/broad-alkesgroup-public-requester-pays/LDSCORE/1kg_eur.tar.bz2. ?
Cannot get it as well, could you share with me if you have it?

I could not find it too, but you can calculate it by yourself. It is in the tutorial.