
You're a Gitch ? And you want to let the world know about it ?

Primary LanguageJavaScript


You're a Gitch ? And you want to let the world know about it ? Well, with only 1.124 kb of awesomeness, you'll be able to do so!

How to ?

You have to download the script and add a <script src="path/to/bullgit-badges.min.js"></script>.

You'll see a bottom corner with the bullgit logo inside, appear on your page, and by clicking it, it'll redirect you to the bullgit website

How it'll looks ?

Like this :

What's inside ?

Well, not much per say. It's vanilla javascript, that append a style tag within css rules to your document, and the only request made by the script, is to grab the bullgit logo.

A demo ?

Okay, here you go fellah :