
Hot reload for C

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


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re:module is a library for live reloading.


Copy remodule.h into your project. A project using re:module must be structured as follow:

  • A host program with minimal code (e.g: example_host.c). This will not be reloadable.
  • One or more dynamic library as plugin (e.g: example_plugin.c). This is where the bulk of the behaviour should be.
  • Optionally, some sort of shared interface between a program and its plugin: example_shared.h.

In exactly one source file of the host program, define REMODULE_HOST_IMPLEMENTATION before including remodule.h:

#include "remodule.h"

Likewise, in exactly one source file of every plugin, define REMODULE_PLUGIN_IMPLEMENTATION before including remodule.h:

#include "remodule.h"

Additionally, a plugin must define an entrypoint:

remodule_entry(remodule_op_t op, void* userdata) {
    // The meaning of userdata must be agreed upon between host and plugin
    plugin_interface_t* interface = userdata;
    // Handle plugin lifecycle
    switch (op) {
        case REMODULE_OP_LOAD:
            // This is called when the plugin is first loaded.
        case REMODULE_OP_UNLOAD:
            // This is called when the plugin is unloaded.
            // This is called on the old instance of the plugin before a reload
            printf("Begin reload\n");
            // This is called on the new instance of the plugin after a reload
            printf("End reload\n");
            // Register the plugin again to replace the old instance

If a plugin has any global state that needs to be preserved across reloads, mark those with REMODULE_VAR:

// This variable will be preserved across reloads.
REMODULE_VAR(int, counter) = 0;

The plugin will now be loadable from the host with remodule_load:

// This will be passed verbatim to the plugin
plugin_interface_t interface = {
    // Something the plugin can call to communicate with the host
    .request_exit = request_exit,
remodule_t* mod = remodule_load("./plugin" REMODULE_DYNLIB_EXT, &interface);

Subsequenly, remodule_reload can be used to reload a plugin. To make this automatic, refer to remodule_monitor.h.

When the plugin is no longer needed, unload it with remodule_unload.


On Linux

Run ./build. Then start ./host and try entering one of these commands: up, down, show or exit.

At any point in time, you can modify example_plugin.c, rebuild it with ./build and the next command will be served by a new plugin instance.

On Windows

premake is needed to generate a MSVC solution: premake vs2022.

The workflow is similar to Linux. However, VS 2022 seems to disallow building while the debugger is attached.


Use doxygen to generate the documentation.

An online version can be found at https://bullno1.github.io/remodule.