
new game by Chmo Games

Primary LanguageKotlin



  • plot of the game is about information: predict everything by knowing everything and control the world
  • hacking game with learning programming
  • manage 2 characters and 1 is good and 1 is bad and 1 tries to block the other
  • not too many graphism but do them myselves
  • level editors on the phone
  • from a level can go to different levels
  • a level can inherit another level and can add or remove elemtent (or group of elements so need grouping as well).
  • between levels can add stories so can do a story mode
  • people can share their levels
  • physic games:

-- magnetic attraction -- invert of gravity

  • control other characters/ennemy with control device
  • real world movie type and then game enters the real world when break something...
  • speak in chti and subtiltes are in good french
  • story AI in real world but need to go back in virtual world but does not know
  • starts with the need to get coffee and can only get it at the end and not a must in the game but give a good bonus
  • need to put 80's references:

-- skynet -- goonies


  • Engine to use:

-- To review GameSalad -> expensive if wants to deploy to phone so to review godot/unity -- godot: could deploy on android after generating debug and release keys and downloading the godot template (850MB) so seems to work -- godot also allows to play video in ogv and I was able to do so with video editor to convert a mp4 and then run it on my PC so looks good as well -- still to review for point and click engine as some on top of godot.