
A simple MVVM Framework for Xamarin Forms, it helps you to quick setup a new Xamarin Forms project. I used this library in my personal project and my company also every day :)

Primary LanguageC#


A simple MVVM Framework for Xamarin Forms. It helps you to quicksetup a new Xamarin.Forms project and save a lot of your time with a few steps.. I used this library in my personal project and my company also every day :)

Available on NuGet

Build status NuGet Badge


1. Create class manager you project, it based on SupportProjectXF class

public class InitializeProject : SupportProjectXF<BaseLocator, BaseNavigationService>
	private async Task<SupportNavigationPageWidget> InitilizeNavigationPageWithPage(Xamarin.Forms.Page page)
            var navigationPageWidget = new SupportNavigationPageWidget()
                BarTextColor = Color.White,
                BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#005e93")
            if (page != null)
                await navigationPageWidget.PushAsync(page);
            return navigationPageWidget;

	*  Custom your app flow view
        public async override Task SetupNavigationMap(Page page, Type viewModelType, object parameter, bool animate)
            if (page is AES_LoginView)
                if (CurrentApplication.MainPage is SupportNavigationPageWidget)
                    var currentNavigation = CurrentApplication.MainPage as SupportNavigationPageWidget;
                    await currentNavigation.PopToRootAsync(true);
                    CurrentApplication.MainPage = await InitilizeNavigationPageWithPage(page);
            else if (CurrentApplication.MainPage is SupportNavigationPageWidget)
                var currentNavigationX = (SupportNavigationPageWidget)CurrentApplication.MainPage;
                var currentPage = currentNavigationX.CurrentPage;

                if (page.GetType() != currentNavigationX.CurrentPage.GetType())
                        await currentNavigationX.PushAsync(page, true);
                CurrentApplication.MainPage = await InitilizeNavigationPageWithPage(page);
	*  Register your controller, based on dependency injection
        protected override void RegisterController(BaseLocator locator)
            locator.Register<IAESAPIService, AESAPIService>();
	*  Register your viewmodel or any class, based on dependency injection
        protected override void RegisterViewModel(BaseLocator locator)
	*  map your view page with viewmodel
        protected override void MappingViewAndViewModel(BaseNavigationService navigationManager)
            navigationManager.Map<AES_LoginViewModel, AES_LoginView>();
            navigationManager.Map<AES_MainViewModel, AES_MainView>();

2. Create new object of Manager

  • Open App.xaml.cs and add it to content
	 public  static  InitializeProject  Manager;  
	 static  App()  
		Manager  =  new  InitializeProject();  
  • In the contructor of App
	 public  App()  
		//Open first screen
		var  navigationService  =  Manager.NavigationManager;  

3. Setup for each platforms

Setup for iOS project (add to AppDelegate before LoadApplication)


Setup for Android project (add to MainActivity before LoadApplication)

SupportXFLiteSetup.Initialize(this, savedInstanceState);

