Update 2023-5-23

Support Ubuntu22.04,Beaceuse idena-node use GLIBC_2.28,GLIBC_2.29


  • Easily install and add your node instances
  • Automatic update of all node instances on the server (only if validation is not in progress)
  • In case of node error, automatically starts node instances
  • Ability to migrate existing instances to new servers
  • Disable or enable your node instances
  • Set or disable email notifications when something goes wrong with one or more instances
  • Support for multiple instances per server
  • Easily transfer your current instances onto the server
  • View all the instances you have installed and their run time and status


We recommend to run whole script as root user, but it's not a requirement. Script will ask you for your root password only to install necessary dependencies.

Install script (run this only once)

  • Go to directory you'd like to keep idena manager in (you can skip this)
  • source <(curl -sL https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/bulusite/idena-manager/blob/master/install)


  • To add new idena node, run: idena-manager add (see advanced options here)
  • To view status of your nodes, run: idena-manager status (see detailed here)
  • To turn off your all nodes, run: idena-manager disable (see detailed here)
  • To turn on your all nodes, run: idena-manager enable (see detailed here)
  • Turn on email notifications: idena-manager set-notifications "j.snow@castle.black (see detailed here)
  • Turn off email notifications: idena-manager disable-notifications (see detailed here)
  • Accessing help, run: idena-manager

Advanced usage

Here you'll be able to find a little bit more details about each command idena-manager supports

The add command

Most used combinations

  • Fresh installation where you want everything to be decided by the script
    • Run idena-manager add -l nodes -k "" -w "" and the script won't ask you any questions except for your root password to install some dependencies, and only in case you already don't have another node installation on this server.
  • Fresh installation with email notifications
    • Run idena-manager add -l nodes -k "" -w "" -e "j.snow@castle.black - replace j.snow@castle.black with your email
  • Fresh installation with email notifications and defined API key
    • Run idena-manager add -l nodes -k "my_api_key" -w "" -e "j.snow@castle.black" - replace my_api_key with your key and j.snow@castle.black with your email
  • Fresh installation with email notifications and defined API key
    • Run idena-manager add -l nodes -k "my_api_key" -w "yourexistingnodekey" -e "j.snow@castle.black" - replace my_api_key with your key, j.snow@castle.black with your email, and yourexistingnodekey with your existing wallet (node) key, if you already have one. You can find it in your current installation under datadir/keystore/nodekey

Parameters you can use (but you don't have to)

idena-manager supports multiple parameters so it could automatically do everything for you, all at once

  • idena-manager add -l location - replace location with path where you'd like to install your node instance. If you'd like to install to the current directory where you're at, just run idena-manager add -l "". If you'd like to install it to sub-folder called "nodes" for example, just run idena-manager add -l nodes. You can enter either relative or absolute path.
  • idena-manager add -e email - Set email address where you'd like to receive error emails for any of your node instances. For example: idena-manager add -e "j.snow@castle.black"
  • idena-manager add -k api_key - Replace api_key with API key you want to use. For example: idena-manager add -k "myapikey1". If you want the script to generate API key for you, just send empty string there: idena-manager add -k "". If you don't specify this parameter, script will ask you to enter your desired API key.
  • idena-manager add -w wallet_key - Replace wallet_key with your wallet key (node key) if you're transferring your existing node to this script/server. Example: idena-manager add -w "thisismyrandomstring". We do not recommend usage of this parameter, however script does offer it. If you don't specify this parameter, script will ask you for your key, if you have it. If you enter idena-manager add -w "", it will assume that you're doing a new installation and will let node to choose a key for you.
  • idena-manager add -p port_num - Replace port_num with the port you want to use. Default one is 40404. You need to allow this port for inbound connections on your firewall (if you're using one, and we do recommend for you to use it)
  • idena-manager add -r port_num - Replace port_num with your RPC port. This port is used for you to connect to your node from idena client

The status command

  • Run: idena-manager status - output looks like: Idena Manager Status Screenshot

Disabling and enabling your node instances

You can temporary, or forever, disable your node instances, but you can enable them afterwards.

The enable command

  • Run: idena-manager enable num - Replace num with your node instance number. First node you added is numbered as 1, the second is 2, and so on. For example, to enable your first node instance, type: idena-manager enable 1.
  • If you want to enable all your node instances, type: idena-manager enable

The disable command

  • Run: idena-manager disable num - Replace num with your node instance number. First node you added is numbered as 1, the second is 2, and so on. For example, to disable your first node instance type: idena-manager disable 1.
  • Please be careful because num parameter is not required parameter. If you run only idena-manager disable , script is going to disable all your node instances you have on that server.

Setting or disabling email notifications

You can set or disable email notifications before or after your node setup.

Turning on email notifications

  • Turning on notifications: idena-manager set-notifications email - replace email with your email where you'd like to send emails to. For example: idena-manager set-notifications "j.snow@castle.black"
  • After you turn on your notifications, you'll get status where you'll be told from which email notifications are going to be sent, so you should consider creating some kind of automatic filter for those emails so they don't end up in your spam folder

Turning off email notifications

  • Turning off notifications: idena-manager disable-notifications

Installing dependencies

  • If you only want to install dependencies, before you start adding your nodes, you can run idena-manager install

Future development

  • Ability to control multiple VPSs from one instance
  • Building and integrating Idena Client so it could be run directly from web browser