
Want to contribute? check guidelines


  1. Finance & Economics
  2. Real Estate
  3. Population
  4. Linguistics
  5. Maps
  6. Surveys
  7. Other Resources

Finance & Economics

Name & Link Source Visualizations
NBG - www.nbg.gov.ge -
Jumpstart biujeti.jumpstart.ge
Budget Monitor

Real Estate

Name & Link Source Visualizations
Registered real property transactions 2010-2016 TBC - www.vizhack.ge/ka/challenges/ Transactions 2016


Name & Link Source Visualizations
Georgian Names and Lastnames Repo Jumpstart / Soviet Lab
Georgian Names Jumpstart www.mashasada.me
Georgian names by gender EMOziko - სამოქალაქო რეესტრის ბაზა -
Georgian district's population & coords http://overpass-turbo.eu/ (2017) -


Name & Link Major source Visualizations
Elections of Georgian Parliament 2016 Proportional System cesko on.ge


Name & Link Source Visualizations & Statistics
Georgian Words Database Books & Scraping Some statistics
Giorgi Jvaridze / Georgian words Books & Scraping Most Used Words
akalongman/geo-words Books & Scraping  
sandrinio( Sandro Sukhitashvili) / GeoWordsDatabase Scraping  
Kevin Scannell / Krubadan / Georgian Words Scraping  
Irakli Koberidze / Frequency Dictionary Merging  
igobronidze / 40000+ handwritten georgian characters    
georgegach / anbani.db (texts, names, alphabet, lorem...) Various  


Name & Link Responses Visualizations
Georgian IT people's survey - 2018 Responses Google's summary
Observable Exploration
Georgian IT people's survey - 2020 Responses english version (great sample data) Analysis - https://2020.davidb.dev


Name & Link Source Visualizations
GeoJson For Georgian Regions - Population's density
Georgian district's population & coords http://overpass-turbo.eu/ (2017) -
Georgian Villages http://overpass-turbo.eu/ (2017) 1. village population 3d bars
2. all vilage bubbles

Other Resources

Name & Link
Jumpstart's Open Data

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contribution guidelines

you can do one of the following to contribute

  • open issue and specify what kind of dataset you want to add and where can I find it
  • clone repo, change anything you want and make pull request
    • Prefered data formats: either .csv or .xls
    • Please provide a short readme.md for every dataset describing data types and meaning of data along with any usefull information for further processing
    • Please indicate source of the data and copyrights if apply. The data must be legally obtained with respect of the authors license.
  • reach and discuss specific details with me

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