AutoTyper is a Windows Forms application that simulates the typing of a text file. This application allows the user to browse for a text file and set the speed of the typing process. The typing process can be initiated and stopped using global hotkeys.
- .NET Framework 4.5
- Clone the repository
- Open the solution file using Visual Studio
- Build the project
- Run the application
- Browse for a text file
- Set the speed of the typing process using a trackbar
- Set wait time in seconds before starting the typing process
- Initiate and stop the typing process using global hotkeys (CTRL + 0 and CTRL + 1)
- Store the state of the speed of typing and the path of the selected file for future use
- While typing, generate sounds of keystrokes
- Launch the application
- Browse for a text file using the "Browse" button or manually type the path of the file in the "Path" field
- Set the speed of the typing process using the "Speed" trackbar
- Set wait time in seconds before starting the typing process using "Before start" numeric up-down button
- Press CTRL + 1 to initiate the typing process or CTRL + 0 to stop the typing process
- This project is licensed under the MIT License