- 1
pls Update for Laravel 11
#205 opened by khanhnam99 - 1
Feature Request: Add Laravel 10 Compatibility
#204 opened by nabeeljavaid - 3
some problems in the downloads the package of laravel 10 this is command "composer require bumbummen99/shoppingcart"
#203 opened by mohammedALhakmy - 25
Incompatible with Laravel 10
#190 opened by tomatoTom - 2
not usable for laravel 10
#201 opened by sirvan-monfared - 1
set Cookie header is ignored
#200 opened by alihastam - 3
Zero count
#198 opened by foRsxs - 2
Update an existing option delete all other options
#189 opened by beuzathor - 1
Problem on cart restore
#188 opened by matteoconsoli - 1
Multiple Taxes
#187 opened by jc-noodev - 1
Using Options or any array field in CartItem Throw not found this item in cart exception
#186 opened by Yasser-ismail - 1
Adding negative price items
#193 opened by neamtua - 1
shoppingcart table was deleted after close browser.
#185 opened by tuanbtre - 1
- 2
- 2
Add tax per product
#180 opened by pixsolution - 2
The cart does not contain rowId
#179 opened by vdvcoder - 3
A non-numeric value encountered
#176 opened by foRsxs - 2
updating options replace all existing options
#177 opened by talha2k - 2
How we can apply discount only For the SubTotal
#174 opened by AbdelqaouiNabil - 5
Floating point issues generates wrong totals
#142 opened by bogdanbradeanu - 4
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation
#169 opened by pixsolution - 3
When I try to update a value in the options array it will also update the row id.
#173 opened by abhishekcodercube - 1
How can i save discount without percentage?
#171 opened by mahmudulhsn - 1
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes (SQL: alter table `shoppingcart` add primary key `shoppingcart_identifier_instance_ primary`(`identifier`, `instance`))
#170 opened by jordantsap - 1
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how can we store in cart for mobile app can store session to token?? please fix it
#163 opened by pramodbhandari68 - 8
Cannot install on Laravel 9 Project
#161 opened by mrdigitalau - 2
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Exclude item from being taxed
#156 opened by omarwelshazly - 1
Laravel 9 query
#152 opened by atikur20 - 2
Upgrade to Laravel 9
#151 opened by alfredom78 - 4
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change item quantity with priced addon
#138 opened by Malebestia - 4
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Add Macroable trait to CartItem class
#136 opened by allanvb - 0
Saving Item in Cart to Database
#137 opened by ferdinan97 - 1
Problem with discounts
#135 opened by foRsxs - 1
- 3
Get a collection of Cart items in Descending order
#131 opened by manishlok - 0
undefined variable $rowId
#133 opened by fayedbleh13 - 0
Cart destroyed after logout
#132 opened by Kajaia - 1
SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
#130 opened by hoangkim28 - 4
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Error Cart::instance('cart')->restore($userId)
#128 opened by YuliaQueen - 6
Issue with discountTotal and fixed value discount
#126 opened by Sartoric - 2
Limit adding to cart due to the product quantity
#122 opened by behzadsp - 8
Possibility to extend the CartItem class
#124 opened by rucky96 - 1
Could not get the Cart::content() from session :(
#123 opened by hardkiffeur