
A Save notes webapp, built in React and Nodejs and mongodb

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A Save notes webapp, built in React and Nodejs and mongodb

Summary: A React app that uses react-router and axios to interact with an Nodejs Express API connecting to mongodb

alt text


  • Signup / login (JWT Authentication)
  • Create, read Notes.
  • Save all user details and Notes on Database (mongodb)
  • save user Details on local storage so use no need keep loging again and again(Keep the user logged in, after the browser window has closed).
  • Authentication of a route before allowing access to the page.

Tech Stack

Front End

  • react-router-dom
  • react-hook-form and joi for validation
  • axios
  • bootstrap

Back end

  • bcrypt
  • cors
  • express
  • express-rate-limit
  • joi
  • jsonwebtoken
  • monk


# clone repo
git clone https://github.com/buminduyasith/Save-Notes-WebApp-React-Nodejs-mongodb
 **front end**
# navigate to repo 
cd frontend

# install deps
npm install

# navigate to repo 
cd backend

# install deps
npm install

# Navigate to http://localhost:3000