
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bonafind is an application that will allow users to find and review local businesses and view popular businesses in their area.

Getting Started


These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. You will also add a .env file to the frontend and app directories to use a private key. The frontend api key can be obtained from the Google Developer console and must be named REACT_APP_API_KEY in the /frontend/.env file. The backend stripe key can be obtained on the Stripe dashboard after making an account on their website and must be named STRIPE_SECRET in the /app/.env file.

syntax formatting
Check that the app is configured to be run locally.

-Make sure that /frontend/assets/config.js looks like the screenshot below. (Updates

assets.js config

-Make sure that /app/index.js looks like the screenshot below. (Configures cors to run between local servers)

index.js config

From your command line:

Front End

# cd into frontend directory
$ cd frontend

# run npm to install dependencies
$ npm install

# start the development server
$ npm run start

Back End

# cd into backend directory
$ cd backend

# run npm to install dependencies
$ npm install

# start the development server (Will run on http://localhost:9000)
$ npm run start


Front End

Back End

Built With

Front End

Back End

  • Node.js - Back end JavaScript runtime
  • BCryptJS - Module to hash passwords
  • Cookie Parser - Parses cookie info
  • cors - package for providing a Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS
  • expressjs - Node.js framework
  • json web token - Implements JSON web tokens
  • knex.js - SQL query builder
  • md5 - a JavaScript function for hashing messages with MD5.
  • sqlite3 - Library that implements SQL database engine
  • Stripe - Library to implement Stripes billing functionality

Data Model

Data Model


Edd Burke Carlo Clamucha Alex Dykas Brad Mortensen
Github Github Github Github
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This project is licensed under the MIT License
