
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Basic node API

Maintainability Test Coverage

Disclaimer: This application is currently in Beta mode and is not ready for production. Please use at your own risk as things will change almost daily.

The following examples can be found in this project template.

  • CRUD routes for a single resource
  • A Knex model providing CRUD methods for DB operations
  • Some route tests with mocks on the database calls
  • Okta authentication verification middleware
  • eslint setup and prettier formating.
  • Jest coverage setup
  • Inline Swagger docs with a live route at /api-docs
  • Github workflow config setup to run linting, tests and upload coverage to code climate
  • docker-compose file for spinning up postgresql db. (Win10 Home requires WSL)


All Labs Engineering Standards must be followed.

API doc

All routes can be viewed in the /api-docs route of your deploy (or locally).

Swagger docs are created using open api v3 notations. The docs are found inline on the router files in api/**/*Router.js and use the yaml notation format. The root of the docs is in config/jsdoc.js using the json format.

The following libraries have been used to build and serve the swagger docs live.

Getting Started

Enviornment Variables

  • PORT - API port (optional, but helpful with FE running as well)
    • The following ports are whitelisted for use with okta
      • 3000
      • 8000
      • 8080
  • DS_API_URL - URL to a data science api. (eg. https://ds-bw-test.herokuapp.com/)
  • DS_API_TOKEN - authorization header token for data science api (eg. SUPERSECRET)
  • DATABASE_URL - connection string for postgres database
  • OKTA_URL_ISSUER - The complete issuer URL for verifying okta access tokens. https://example.okta.com/oauth2/default
  • OKTA_CLIENT_ID - the okta client ID.

See .env.sample for example values

Setup postgres

There are 3 options to get postgresql installed locally [Choose one]:

  1. Use docker. Install for your platform
    • run: docker-compose up -d to start up the postgresql database and pgadmin.
    • Open a browser to pgadmin and you should see the Dev server already defined.
    • If you need to start over you will need to delete the folder $ rm -rf ./data/pg as this is where all of the server data is stored.
      • if the database api-dev was not created then start over.
  2. Download and install postgresql directly from the main site
    • make note of the port, username and password you use to setup the database.
    • Connect your client to the server manually using the values previously mentioned
    • You will need to create a database manually using a client.
    • Make sure to update the DATABASE_URL connection string with the values for username/password, databasename and server port (if not 5432).
  3. Setup a free account at ElephantSQL
    • Sign up for a free Tiney Turtle plan
    • copy the URL to the DATABASE_URL .env variable
    • make sure to add ?ssl=true to the end of this url

Setup the application

  • For Labs projects, clone the repo. Otherwise you can create a new repo using this as a template.

    • note please be sure to set your remote for this repo to point to your Labs Team Repository.

    • Alternatively you can clone this repo then remove the git folder to initialize a new repo

      > git clone --depth=1 --branch=main git@github.com:Lambda-School-Labs/labs-api-starter.git NEW-REPO-NAME
      > rm -rf ./NEW-REPO-NAME/.git
  • run: npm install to download all dependencies.

  • run: cp .env.sample .env and update the enviornment variables to match your local setup.

  • run: npm run knex migrate:latest to create the starting schema.

  • run: npm run knex seed:run to populate your db with some data.

  • run: npm run tests to confirm all is setup and tests pass.

  • run: npm run watch:dev to start nodemon in local dev enviornment.

Make sure to update the details of the app name, description and version in the package.json and config/jsdoc.js files.


ESLint and prettier

ESLint and prettier are already configured with Lambda Labs standards and ready to go. These must be ran from the CLI prior to commiting code in the following ways:

  • npm run lint to view all purposed fixes.
  • npm run lint:fix to apply fixes to eslint issues.
  • npm run format to apply the standards defined by eslint/prettier config.

Alternatively you can install plugins for your editor of choice.