Scalable Frontend With Redux and Sagas

This project is an attempt to address the problem raised at slorber/scalable-frontend-with-elm-or-redux by @sebastienlorber.

Application Structure

This solution breaks the application down to smaller modules. A module may depend on other modules, but coupling between them is at a minimum.

Each module exposes:

  • Action creators
  • One reducer function
  • One root saga (optional)
  • Selectors for querying data from module state
  • One root Container (connected component)
  • One root dumb Component (for possible reuse in other modules)

Modules can only use the API exported by other module's index.js file (e.g. the public API). Component composition is done through the use of dumb components and selectors. Coupling to other module's state shape is not allowed.

For example, randomGifPair.Component Container uses randomGif.Component. The required props of randomGif.Component are selected from the state atom using randomGif.selectors.getModel which as the type:

getModel :: State -> randomGif.Model

This delegation of responsibilities allow modules to change their internal implementation without breaking other modules, as long as the public API is maintained.

For a better explanation on why I've organized it this way, please read my blog post on this topic.


See a demo of the running app here:

Running App

npm install
npm start

Browse to http://localhost:8080.

  • The GIFs components allows you to add a GIF for given topic.
  • The toggle button can be on or off.
  • The counter can be incremented or decremented.
  • Whenever a new GIF is fetched (either by adding or requesting more), the counter is incremented by 1 if button is off or counter < 10, otherwise it is incremented by 2.