
A bunch of useful php helper classes.

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PHP Helper

A bunch of useful php helper classes.



Functions Description
firstKey(array $array): mixed Returns the key of the first element of an array.
firstValue(array $array): mixed Returns the value of the first element of an array.
lastKey(array $array): mixed Returns the key of the last element of an array.
lastValue(array $array): mixed Returns the value of the last element of an array.
isCountable(mixed $value): bool Verifies that the variable is countable.
isList(array $array): bool If the array is a list by just containing incremental numeric keys.
isAssociative(array $array): bool If the array is associative by not just containing incremental numeric keys.
objectToArray($object): mixed Converts an object to an array.
mergeRecursiveDistinct(array $array): array Merge arrays recursive by overwriting the value in the first array with the duplicate value in the second array.


Functions Description
phpToJavascript(array $array): int Converts a php unix timestamp to a javascript timestamp in milliseconds.
javascriptToPhp(array $array): int Converts a javascript unix timestamp to a php timestamp in seconds.
timeMillis(): int Returns the current javascript unix timestamp in milliseconds.
createFromFormat(string $format, string $datetime, ?\DateTimeZone $timezone = null): ?\DateTime Parses a string into a new DateTime object according to the specified format.


Functions Description
fdiv(float $dividend, float $divisor): float Divides two numbers, according to IEEE 754.
divisionWithRest(float $dividend, float $divisor): array Divides two numbers and returns the result and the rest.
isEven(int $number): bool If number is even.
isOdd(int $number): bool If number is odd.
isDivideable(float $dividend, float $divisor): bool If dividend is divideable by divisor with an even result.
fibonacci(int $limit): int[] Get fibonacci numbers until limit.
quadraticFormula(float $a, float $b, float $c): float[] Uses the quadratic formula to return the results of the function.
circleCircumference(float $radius): float Get circumference of a circle by radius.
circleArea(float $radius): float Get circle area by radius.


Functions Description
contains(string $haystack, string $needle): bool If haystack contains needle.
icontains(string $haystack, string $needle): bool If haystack contains needle ignoring case.
startsWith(string $haystack, string $needle): bool If haystack starts with needle.
istartsWith(string $haystack, string $needle): bool If haystack starts with needle ignoring case.
endsWith(string $haystack, string $needle): bool If haystack ends with needle.
iendsWith(string $haystack, string $needle): bool If haystack ends with needle ignoring case.
indexOfAll(string $haystack, string $needle): array Get the position of all occurrences of needle in haystack.
indexOf(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int Get the position of the first occurrence of needle in haystack.
indexOfLast(string $haystack, string $needle, int $offset = 0): int Get the position of the last occurrence of needle in haystack.
replaceArray(array $replace, string $string) Replace multiple occurencies of a string with another using key-value-pairs.
ensureStart(string $string, string $prefix): string Ensures that the string starts with prefix.
ensureEnd(string $string, string $suffix): string Ensures that the string ends with suffix.
before(string $haystack, string $needle): string Returns the part of haystack before the first occurrence of needle.
after(string $haystack, string $needle): string Returns the part of haystack after the first occurrence of needle.
beforeLast(string $haystack, string $needle): string Returns the part of haystack before the last occurrence of needle.
afterLast(string $haystack, string $needle): string Returns the part of haystack after the last occurrence of needle.
snakeToCamelCase(string $string): string Converts a snake_case string to camelCase.
kebabToCamelCase(string $string): string Converts a kebab-case string to camelCase.
pascalToCamelCase(string $string): string Converts a PascalCase string to camelCase.
camelToSnakeCase(string $string): string Converts a camelCase string to snake_case.
kebabToSnakeCase(string $string): string Converts a kebab-case string to snake_case.
pascalToSnakeCase(string $string): string Converts a PascalCase string to snake_case.
snakeToKebabCase(string $string): string Converts a snake-case string to kebab-case.
camelToKebabCase(string $string): string Converts a camelCase string to kebab-case.
pascalToKebabCase(string $string): string Converts a PascalCase string to kebab-case.
camelToPascalCase(string $string): string Converts a camelCase string to PascalCase.
snakeToPascalCase(string $string): string Converts a snake_case string to PascalCase.
toOsSeperator(string $path) Changes / and \ to the os seperator.
stripNamespaceFromClassName(string $class) Strips the class name from a namespace to just return the class name.
removeLineBreaks(string $string, string $replaceWith = '') Removes line breaks (\n, \r) from a string.
removeLineControls(string $string, string $replaceWith = '') Removes line breaks (\n, \r, \t) from a string.
removeHtmlComments(string $string, string $replaceWith = '') Removes html comments (<!-- -->) from a string.
zeroFill(string $string, int $length) Zero fills a number to reach the passed length.
breakToNewLine(string $string, bool $multiByte = true) Does the opposite of nl2br by replacing breaks (<br>) with new lines (\n).
isAscii(string $string) Whether a string is ASCII.
isUtf8(string $string) Whether a string is UTF-8.
encodeUtf8(string $string, ?string $fromEncoding = null): ?string Encodes a string to UTF-8.
decodeUtf8(string $string, string $toEncoding = 'ISO-8859-1'): ?string Decodes a UTF-8 string.
jsonValidate(string $json, int $depth = 512, int $flags = 0) If a string is a valid json representation.
parseUrl(string $url): array Parses a url to an array of parts.
unparseUrl(array $parsedUrl): string Unparses a url array back to a string.
parseCsv(string $csvString, string $delimiter = ',', bool $skipEmptyLines = true, bool $trimFields = true): array Parses a csv string to an array.
multiByteReplace(string $needle, string $replacement, string $haystack) Replaces needle in multi-byte haystack with replacement string.
multiByteTrim(string $string, ?string $characterMask = null) Trims a multi-byte string by removing whitespaces etc.
multiBytePad(string $string, int $length, string $padString = ' ', int $padType = \STR_PAD_RIGHT, string $encoding = null) Pad a multi-byte string to a certain length with another string.
multiByteReverse(string $string): string Reverses the order of the characters of a multi-byte string.
multiByteSplit(string $string, int $length = 1, ?string $encoding = null): array Splits a multi-byte string.
multiByteParseUrl(string $url): array Parses a multi-byte url string to an array of parts.


Functions Description
execute(string $url, array $options = []) Executes a curl request. Returns an array with the structure: [success => boolean, data => string]


Functions Description
dd(...$vars): void Dumps the passed variables and dies afterwards.
getClassInfo(object $class): array Returns the name, parents, properties and methods for the class of the passed object.
getDefined(bool $categorizeConstants = false, bool $excludeDisabled = true): array Returns the declared classes, interfaces, traits, constants, functions and variables.


Functions Description
executeQuery(\mysqli $mysqli, string $sql, ?array $params = null): ?\mysqli_stmt Prepares an SQL statement, binds parameters, executes, and returns the result.

Random Generator

Functions Description
number(int $length): int Generates a random integer number (max length: 18)
largeNumber(int $length): string Generates a random number as string.
hexadecimalNumber(int $length): string Generates a random hexadecimal number.
uuidV4(): string Generates a random uuid version 4.
password(int $length = 12, bool $useUppercase = true, bool $useLowercase = true, bool $useNumbers = true, bool $useSpecialChars = false): string Generates a random password.