
Secure and sandboxed scripting language for Java

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Secure and sandboxed scripting language for Java

What the hell is it?

Largo is a tiny compiled scripting language that aims to run untrusted scripts in server environment.


  • C/JS-style simplified code
  • Dynamically typed without any cast exceptions
  • Basic types: null, undefined, boolean, number, string, object, array, function (i.e. closures)
  • Compiler / VM architecture
  • Linear bytecode including nested functions
  • Modules with import/export syntax
  • Fully sandboxed and secure
  • Configurable constraints for code size, memory, stack, etc.
  • Does not have access to external world by default
  • Easy embeddable and extensible to Java


  • Slow due to basic interpreter and security
  • Limited in capabilities. No complex programs or it can be harmful
  • Buggy and no docs currently (TODO)

Running scripts

var runtime = LargoRuntime.createDefault();

var environment = runtime.getEnvironment();
environment.addModule("Math", new LargoMathModule());
environment.addModule("System", new LargoSystemModule());



Hello world

import System;

System.println("Hello world!");


import System;

let n = 20;
let a = 0, b = 1, c;

for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
    c = a + b;
    a = b;
    b = c;



import Math as M;
import System;

let age = 38.56;
System.println(M.floor(age) + " " + M.ceil(age));

let angle = M.toRadians(60);
System.println(M.sin(angle) + " " + M.cos(angle));


import System;

let add = x -> y -> {
  let z = x + y;
  System.println(x + '+' + y + '=' + z);
  return z;

let res = add(3)(6); // will return 9 and print 3+6=9


Arrays and objects

import System;

let array = [5, "str", true];
array[0] = 1;
System.println(array); // print [1, "str", true]

let object = {};
object.field1 = "str";
System.println(object); // print [[object]]