
Filtering, ordering and pagination for Ecto

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


CI Hex Coverage Status

Flop is an Elixir library for making filtering, ordering and pagination with Ecto a bit easier.

This library is in early development.


  • ordering by multiple fields in multiple directions
  • offset/limit based pagination
  • page number/page size based pagination
  • filtering by multiple conditions with diverse operators on multiple fields
  • parameter validation
  • configurable filterable and sortable fields
  • query and meta data helpers


Add flop to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:flop, "~> 0.6.1"}

If you want to configure a default repo, add this to your config file:

config :flop, repo: MyApp.Repo


Define sortable and filterable fields

If you want the order by and filter fields to be validated, configure the sortable and filterable fields in your Ecto schema like this:

defmodule MyApp.Pet do
  use Ecto.Schema

  @derive {Flop.Schema,
           filterable: [:name, :species], sortable: [:name, :age, :species]}

  schema "pets" do
    field :name, :string
    field :age, :integer
    field :species, :string
    field :social_security_number, :string

Query data

You can use Flop.validate_and_run/3 or Flop.validate_and_run!/3 to validate the Flop parameters, retrieve the data from the database and get the meta data for pagination in one go.

defmodule MyApp.Pets do
  import Ecto.Query, warn: false

  alias Ecto.Changeset
  alias Flop
  alias MyApp.{Pet, Repo}

  @spec list_pets(Flop.t()) ::
          {:ok, {[Pet.t()], Flop.Meta.t}} | {:error, Changeset.t()}
  def list_pets(flop \\ %Flop{}) do
    Flop.validate_and_run(Pet, flop, for: Pet)

The for option sets the Ecto schema for which you derived Flop.Schema. If you didn't derive Flop.Schema as described above and don't care to do so, you can omit this option.

On success, Flop.validate_and_run/3 returns an :ok tuple, with the second element being a tuple with the data and the meta data.

{:ok, {[%Pet{}], %Flop.Meta{}}}

Consult the docs for more info on the Meta struct.

If you prefer to validate the parameters in your controllers, you can use Flop.validate/2 or Flop.validate!/2 and Flop.run/3 instead.

defmodule MyAppWeb.PetController do
  use MyAppWeb, :controller

  alias Flop
  alias MyApp.Pets
  alias MyApp.Pets.Pet

  action_fallback MyAppWeb.FallbackController

  def index(conn, params) do
    with {:ok, flop} <- Flop.validate(params, for: Pet) do
      pets = Pets.list_pets(flop)
      render(conn, "index.html", pets: pets)

defmodule MyApp.Pets do
  import Ecto.Query, warn: false

  alias Flop
  alias MyApp.Pets.Pet
  alias MyApp.Repo

  @spec list_pets(Flop.t()) :: {[Pet.t()], Flop.Meta.t}
  def list_pets(flop \\ %Flop{}) do
    Flop.run(Pet, flop, for: Pet)

If you only need the data, or if you only need the meta data, you can also call Flop.all/3, Flop.meta/3 or Flop.count/3 directly.

If you didn't configure a default repo as described above or if you want to override the default repo, you can pass it as an option to any function that uses the repo:

Flop.run_and_validate(Pet, flop, repo: MyApp.Repo)
Flop.all(Pet, flop, repo: MyApp.Repo)
Flop.meta(Pet, flop, repo: MyApp.Repo)
# etc.

Flop Phoenix

Flop Phoenix is a companion library that defines view helpers for use in Phoenix templates.