
Using RESTful resources in an easy to reason about manner

MIT LicenseMIT


Using RESTful resources in an easy to reason about manner.

Including the good bit's of HATEOAS, heuristically applied to every-day API development.


  • Are consistant
    • Same representation each request
    • Same representation for each verb
  • Do not need to map to your underlying data model directly
    • Light representations to clarify meaning or intent


  • Common verbs are GET, PUT, DELETE, POST
  • Don't create new verbs
  • Don't RPC
    • Favor GET path/to/resources over GET resource/index
    • Favor DELETE path/to/resource over GET path/to/resource/delete
    • Favor GET path/to/invoice/taxes over get path/to/invoice/calculate_taxes

Status Codes

  • Are often sufficient to convey meaning
  • Use over requiring loading another resource for details



Enumerating Permissions

If a resource returns a 403 or 404 due to permissions, eg:

GET path/to/things/resource1 -> 403: Forbidden
GET path/to/things/resource2 -> 403: Forbidden
GET path/to/things/resource3 -> 400	

Consider providing collection level permissions (as well as maintaining Status Codes):

GET path/to/things -> 
    'resource1': { 'status': 403, 'uri': 'path/to/things/resource1' },
    'resource2': { 'status': 403, 'uri': 'path/to/things/resource2' },
    'resource3': { 
      'uri': 'path/to/things/resource3',
      'status': 400,
      'summary_field': 'I am a summary collection field'


  • Link rel. Obviously.