
Personal dotfiles for Vim, Tmux, Colemak, Zsh, etc.

Primary LanguagePython

Dotfiles by Chloe Moon

My personal setup and notes for myself! Probably not useful to most, but you might find some useful stuff in here, especially if you use Colemak and Vim!

Colemak and Vim!

I have intuitive and concise mappings to reconcile Colemak and Vim with traditional homerow arrows. All my tools [less, tmux, etc] are configured consistently in this Vim style. I've been using this since 2008 and haven't looked back!

The idea is to use HNEI as arrows – keeping the traditional Vim homerow style – and changing as little else as possible. This means JKL are free to use and NEI need new keys.

  • k/K is the new n/N.
  • s/S is the new i/I ["inSert"].
  • j/J is the new e/E ["Jump" to EOW].
  • l/L skip to the beginning and end of lines. Much more intuitive than ^/$.
  • Ctrl-L joins lines, making L the veritable "Line" key.
  • r replaces i as the "inneR" modifier [e.g. diw becomes drw].
  • That's most of it! See .vimrc for a few other details...


Includes customization for:

  • zsh - shell flavored with prezto
  • tmux - session management and shell multiplexing
  • vim - text editing
  • git - version control
  • pentadactyl - Firefox Vim-inspired browsing
  • powerline - statusline and prompt for vim, tmux, zsh, and others
  • less - pager and file viewer


Again...notes for myself.

  • Clone dotfiles: git clone https://github.com/bunnyfly/dotfiles.git ~/dotfiles
  • Install dotfiles: cd ~/dotfiles && ./install_dotfiles.sh
  • Install Vim plugins: :PlugClean and :PlugUpgrade and :PlugUpdate
  • Install Zim: git clone --recursive https://github.com/zimfw/zimfw.git ~/.zim
  • Fill in .<program>rc-local configs.
  • sudo apt-get install python-pip
  • pip install powerline-status
  • pip install --user neovim
  • lesskey ~/.lesskey
  • sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
  • sudo apt-get install silversearcher-ag
  • sudo apt-get install ack-grep

...and probably some other steps like installing Powerline-enabled fonts. But that's most of it.

Lesskey with OSX

OSX's default less install comes with lesskey disabled. Solution is to build your own! Verify the most recent version of less's URL and do something like:

wget http://www.greenwoodsoftware.com/less/less-481.zip
unzip less-481.zip
cd less-481
./configure && make install

This installs it to /usr/local/bin; you may need to change your PATH order or replace /usr/bin/less with /usr/local/bin/less or a link to it.