
A converter from Arpabet to IPA (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arpabet)

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A converter from Arpabet to IPA.

This explanation is taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arpabet :

In Arpabet, every phoneme is represented by one or two capital letters. Digits are used as stress indicators and are placed at the end of the stressed syllabic vowel. Punctuation marks are used like in the written language, to represent intonation changes at the end of clauses and sentences. The stress values are:

Value Description
0 No stress
1 Primary stress
2 Seconary stress


  • Monophthongs
Arpabet IPA Word examples
AO ɔ off (AO1 F); fall (F AO1 L); frost (F R AO1 S T)
AA ɑ father (F AA1 DH ER), cot (K AA1 T)
IY i bee (B IY1); she (SH IY1)
UW u you (Y UW1); new (N UW1); food (F UW1 D)
EH ɛ red (R EH1 D); men (M EH1 N) (modern versions use e)
IH ɪ big (B IH1 G); win (W IH1 N)
UH ʊ should (SH UH1 D), could (K UH1 D)
AH ʌ but (B AH1 T), sun (S AH1 N)
AH(0) ə sofa (S OW1 F AH0), alone (AH0 L OW1 N)
AX ə discus (D IH1 S K AX0 S);
AE æ at (AE1 T); fast (F AE1 S T)
  • Dipthongs
Arpabet IPA Word Examples
EY say (S EY1); eight (EY1 T)
AY my (M AY1); why (W AY1); ride (R AY1 D)
OW show (SH OW1); coat (K OW1 T)
AW a how (HH AW1); now (N AW1)
OY ɔɪ boy (B OY1); toy (T OY1)
  • R-colored vowels
Arpabet IPA Word Examples
ER ɝ her (HH ER0); bird (B ER1 D); hurt (HH ER1 T), nurse (N ER1 S)
AXR ɚ father (F AA1 DH AXR); coward (K AW1 AXR D)
EH R ɛr air (EH1 R); where (W EH1 R); hair (HH EH1 R)
UH R ʊr cure (K Y UH1 R); bureau (B Y UH1 R OW0), detour (D IH0 T UH1 R)
AO R ɔr more (M AO1 R); bored (B AO1 R D); chord (K AO1 R D)
AA R ɑr large (L AA1 R JH); hard (HH AA1 R D)
IH R or IY R ɪr ear (IY1 R); near (N IH1 R)
AW R aʊr This seems to be a rarely used r-controlled vowel. In some dialects flower (F L AW1 R; in other dialects F L AW1 ER0)


  • Stops
Arpabet IPA Word Examples
P p pay (P EY1)
B b buy (B AY1)
T t take (T EY1 K)
D d day (D EY1)
K k key (K IY1)
G ɡ go (G OW1)
  • Affricates
Arpabet IPA Word Examples
CH chair (CH EH1 R)
JH just (JH AH1 S T); gym (JH IH1 M)
  • Fricatives
Arpabet IPA Word Examples
F f for (F AO1 R)
V v very (V EH1 R IY0)
TH θ thanks (TH AE1 NG K S); Thursday (TH ER1 Z D EY2)
DH ð that (DH AE1 T); the (DH AH0); them (DH EH1 M)
S s say (S EY1)
Z z zoo (Z UW1)
SH ʃ show (SH OW1)
ZH ʒ measure (M EH1 ZH ER0); pleasure (P L EH1 ZH ER)
HH h house (HH AW1 S)
  • Nasals
Arpabet IPA Word Examples
M m man (M AE1 N)
EM keep 'em (K IY1 P EM)
N n no (N OW1)
EN button (B AH1 T EN)
NG ŋ sing (S IH1 NG)
ENG ŋ̍ Washington (W AO1 SH ENG T EN)
  • Liquids
Arpabet IPA Word Examples
L l or ɫ late (L EY1 T); fail (F EY1 L)
EL ɫ̩ bottle (B AO1 DX EL)
R r or ɹ run (R AH1 N)
DX ɾ wetter (W EH1 DX AXR)
NX ɾ̃ wintergreen (W IY2 NX AXR G R IY1 N)
  • Semivowels
Arpabet IPA Word Examples
Y j yes (Y EH1 S)
W w way (W EY1)
Q ʔ (glottal stop) uh-oh (Q AH1 Q OW) (ʔʌʔoʊ)
(missing) hw or ʍ "when" etc. in some dialects