
Tool to download the English words pronunciation.

Primary LanguagePython


Tool to download the English words correct pronunciation, sourced from Google search.
You can select any one amog these three accents: American, British and Indian.


Using Google search engine is literally more easy and convenient lol, but I have made it just for fun. Thought to make a telegram bot, send a word and get back its correct pronunciation video clip.


  • LINUX (SVG to JPG conversion via CLI in Windows is 💀)
  • ImageMagick (sudo apt install -y imagemagick librsvg2-dev)
  • FFMPEG (sudo apt install -y ffmpeg)

pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 pronounce.py -h

usage: pronounce.py [-h] [-A ACCENT] word

Tool to download the English words pronunciation.

positional arguments:
  word                  English Word

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -A ACCENT, --accent ACCENT
                        [IN, US, UK]

Example: python3 pronounce.py -A IN lolipop
(the clip will be saved in a Downloads folder at the project directory)