
File uploader with support for multiple hosts and progress reporting written in Go.

Primary LanguageGo


File uploader with support for multiple hosts and progress reporting written in Go. Large file-friendly.
Windows, Linux, macOS and Android binaries


Upload single file to anonfiles:
go-ul_x64.exe anonfiles -f G:\file.bin

Upload two files to anonfiles and catbox and write output template:
go-ul_x64.exe anonfiles catbox -f G:\file.bin G:\file2.bin -o urls.txt

Upload all files in G:\stuff to zippyshare recursively with a 500 kB/s limit and write output template:
go-ul_x64.exe zippyshare -d G:\stuff -r -o urls.txt -l 0.5

Upload a single file to FTP server to /x/y/ and overwrite it if it already exists.
go-ul_x64.exe ftp -f G:\file.bin -U ftp://myusername:mypassword@ftp.server.com:21/x/y/ -O

Usage: go-ul_x64.exe  [--outpath OUTPATH] [--wipe] [--files FILES] [--private] [--template TEMPLATE] [--overwrite] [--user USER] [--directories DIRECTORIES] [--recursive] [--speedlimit SPEEDLIMIT] HOSTS [HOSTS ...]

Positional arguments:
  HOSTS                  Which hosts to upload to.

  --outpath OUTPATH, -o OUTPATH
                         Path of text file to write template to. It will be created if it doesn't already exist.
  --wipe, -w             Wipe output text file on startup.
  --files FILES, -f FILES
  --private, -P          *Set upload as private.
  --template TEMPLATE, -t TEMPLATE
                         Output text file template. Vars: filename, filePath, fileUrl [default: # {{.filename}}\n{{.fileUrl}}\n]
  --overwrite, -O        *Overwrite file on host if it already exists.
  --user USER, -u USER   *User form for FTP. Folders will be created recursively if they don't already exist.
  --recursive, -r        Include subdirectories.
  --speedlimit SPEEDLIMIT, -l SPEEDLIMIT
                         *Upload speed limit in megabytes. Example: 0.5 = 500 kB/s, 1 = 1 MB/s, 1.5 = 1.5 MB/s. [default: -1]
  --joboutpath JOBOUTPATH, -j JOBOUTPATH
                         Path of JSON to write jobs to.             
  --help, -h             display this help and exit

* = Not supported for all hosts.


Default: # {{.filename}}\n{{.fileUrl}}\n
Output with the default template:

# 2.jpg

Vars: filename, filePath, fileUrl

Supported hosts

Host Argument Size Limit
anonfiles anonfiles 20 GB
Catbox catbox 200 MB
file.io fileio 2 GB
Filemail filemail 5 GB
FTP ftp -
Gofile gofile unlim
KrakenFiles krakenfiles 1 GB
LetsUpload letsupload 10 GB
MegaUp megaup 5 GB
MixDrop mixdrop unlim
pixeldrain pixeldrain 10 GB
Racaty racaty 10 GB
transfer.sh transfersh unlim
Uguu uguu 128 MB
WeTransfer wetransfer 2 GB
workupload workupload 2 GB
zippyshare zippyshare 500 MB

Host arguments are case insensitive.

For developers

If you would like to use go-upload with your software, you can use the -j arg to have it write a jobs JSON to a specified path.

It will only panic and return an exit code 1 if:

  1. Setup fails (arg parsing, output text or job file setup).
  2. A job fails to write.

Example output:

	"jobs": [
			"url": "https://anonfiles.com/La53h1l3ye/1_gif",
			"host": "anonfiles",
			"filename": "1.gif",
			"file_path": "G:\\go\\ul_5\\1.gif",
			"ok": true,
			"error_text": ""
			"url": "https://we.tl/t-tNBYrFyQhH",
			"host": "wetransfer",
			"filename": "1.gif",
			"file_path": "G:\\go\\ul_5\\1.gif",
			"ok": true,
			"error_text": ""

If a job file with the same path already exists, it will be wiped.