
Portal gun mod for Unreal Tournament

Primary LanguageUnrealScript





  • OwYeaW (original)
  • VRN|>@tack!< (v2.1)

Additional thanks to BunnyTrack mapper NuLL for contributing ideas, testing and feedback.


This is an updated version of UT BunnyTrack player OwYeaW's BTPortalGun mod. Several new features have been added as well as a fairly significant bug fix:

  • Firing portals is no longer broken when attempting to fire the gun before the "weapon switch" animation has finished
  • New animated portal textures and portal enter/exit visual effects
  • Portals now interact with triggers
  • Several new actors which interact with portals, e.g. a portal-destroying trigger which can remove portals when players exit a room
  • Now available to use as a mutator

For the full change log, see BTPortalGun_Instructions.uc.

With thanks to UT player VRN|>@tack!< (aka Kaos Richie/Richard Nazarian) for spending many hours improving the original mod and patiently fixing bugs. Much of his progress was live streamed on his Twitch account at https://www.twitch.tv/kaosrichie

Included in this repository is the compiled mod, BTPortalGunV2_1.u, as well as the source code and accompanying asset files.