
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


IoT forensic tool development project

How to install

  • Download & install python 3.x from official website

    Download Python 3.x

    You should enable the windows PATH (system environment) option while installing python.

  • Run install-dependency.bat or

    • Download & Install winpcap Because of packet dump file level analysis, you have to install winpcap if your computer doesn't installed winpcap or wireshark.

    Download latest winpcap

    • Download & Install node.js Because the tool is running, you have to install nodejs if your computer doesn't installed nodejs.

    Download latest nodejs

  • Run install-library.bat or

    pip install -r "api\requirements.txt"
    npm install
    npm run rebuild

    Note: The sqlite3 module of nodejs will rebuild the module due to a conflict with electron. If you encounter errors during the process, run Powershell as an administrator and write the following command npm install -global -production windows-build-tools

How to run IoTInsight

  • Run run.bat or
    npm run electron

How to use IoTInsight

  1. On the Basic Info page, enter the directory containing the Packet file and On-Hub Diagnostic data and set the time zone. The default time zone is designated as Korean Time (KST).


  1. On the SmartThings page, if you are conducting a SmartThings cloud data analysis, you will be issued a token from the SmartThings homepage. If the issued token is valid, SmartThings collects and analyzes the data. If you enter an invalid token value, you will not get a good analysis. If you do not want SmartThings analysis, you can press the No button and proceed to the next page.


  1. On Alexa page, when you perform Alexa cloud data analysis, after checking Yes, click on the bottom right button to create Alexa login page. Enter ID / PW of Alexa cloud account and login. After login, please wait for the Alexa cloud data to be analyzed and stored in the database. If you do not want to analyze Alexa cloud data, you can go to the next page with No button.


  1. On the last page, we analyze the data obtained from accounts, files, etc. and store them in the database. Please wait while this operation is in progress. After completing the operation, click on the button on the bottom right and wait for a while to see the analysis result.


  1. The analysis result window contains the network map generated by the packet, the on-hub, smartthings and Alexa contents. Each table can be searched in the upper right corner. Detailed data can be checked in the additional text box at the bottom of the table when the corresponding column is selected.



How to use IotInsight


  • You can register bugs, suggestions, and usage on the issue.