
Infrastructure deployment for Trapa App

Primary LanguageHCL

Trapa Infrastructure

Deploys the cloud infrastructure required to host the Trapa app.

Firebase CLI is used to manage the manually created Firebase projects.

Terraform is used to deploy Google Cloud Resources to Google Cloud Platform projects backing the corresponding Firebase projects.

Setup for Each Environment

  1. Create project
    1. Create a project through Firebase console for the environment
    2. Enable billing on the project
  2. Configure github environment:
    1. Create github environment through settings: https://github.com/buntagonalprism/trapa-infrastructure/settings/environments
    2. Add a protection rule to the environment to require a review. This will allow manual validation of the terraform plan before applying the configuration change
  3. Configure service account for github actions to authenticate to Google Cloud Platform
    1. Create a service account for the with the following permissions so that terraform can perform all management actions https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts
      • Owner: This permission is required to deploy and manage resources with Terraform
      • Service Account Token Creator: This permission is required to get access tokens which can be used to authenticate with Google Artifact registry in application deployment pipelines. Ideally the application deployment pipelines would have their own service account with only this permission, or even better we'd use Workflow Identity Management instead.
    2. Create a "JSON" key type for the service account by selecting the "Manage Keys" under the actions of the new service account
    3. Remove all newlines from the secret JSON file - see here for reason https://github.com/google-github-actions/auth/blob/main/docs/TROUBLESHOOTING.md#aggressive-replacement
    4. Create a Github actions secret <ENV>_GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY at the repository level (i.e. not within an environment): https://github.com/buntagonalprism/trapa-infrastructure/settings/secrets/actions
  4. Configure Cloud Storage bucket used for Terraform backend
    • This bucket is used for storing the terraform state file
    • Bucket name convention: terraform.<project>.<organisation-domain>.
    • When a public domain name is used in the bucket name like this, then only the verified owner of the domain name is allowed to create the bucket. This means the account needs to be manually by a user created rather than created through a service account.
    • Enable object versioning on the bucket as recommended by Terraform documentation: https://developer.hashicorp.com/terraform/language/settings/backends/gcs
  5. Configure Terraform module for environment
    1. Create terraform/environments/<ENV>/main.tf
    2. Set bucket name and project name in that file
  6. Update pipeline to deploy environment
    1. Modify .github/workflows/deploy_all_environments.yaml to include a step to deploy the environment using the service account key created in step 3.

Deployment Failures

A lot of operations in google cloud are "eventually consistent". This includes enabling API services, and creating service accounts. As a result of this eventual consistency, terraform may receive a success result to these operations and then start trying to create dependent resources. If the change is not fully propagated then errors will occur when creating the dependent resources.

These errors can be resolved by re-running the terraform deployment after giving a few minutes for the change to propagate. The job may need to be re-run multiple times when first deploying an environment, since each resource that fails to deploy can halt the overall deployment job.

To Do

  • Migrate to Workflow Identity Federation for authenticating Github Actions instead of using a service account key