
A minimalistic Scala language-server

Primary LanguageScalaMIT LicenseMIT


A minimalistic Scala language server based on akka-http and Scala's presentation compiler.

Written as a back-end for the neovim-scalavista Neovim plugin and the vscode-scalavista Visual Studio Code extension.

(If anyone wants to contribute similar plugins for e.g. Atom or Sublime Text, that would be great!)

See src/main/scala/org/scalavista/Server.scala for all API endpoints.


  • Java (version 8 or higher).


End users can rely on the Visual Studio Code and Neovim plugins to download the latest version of the server jars for them.

To download them manually go to the release page.


The Neovim and Visual Studio Code plugins will launch a server as a subprocess upon activation.

To start the server manually, do this from the root of your project:

java -jar /path/to/scalavista-server-*.jar [options]

Use --help to see a list of options.

For an optimal experience create a file called scalavista.json at the root of your project. This is a plain json file with the following fields (all optional):

  1. dependencies - a list of dependencies (Scala or Java), e.g., ["org.scalatest:scalatest_2.13:3.0.8", "junit:junit:4.10"]; if this field is missing then any jar in a lib subfolder of where the server was launched (your project root) will be added to the classpath (i.e., manual dependency management).
  2. scalaBinaryVersion - one of "2.11", "2.12" or "2.13"; defaults to "2.13" if missing.
  3. sources - a list of Scala or Java source files; if this field is missing then all *.scala and *.java files in the directory where the server was launched (the root of your project) and any of its subdirectories (recursively) will be loaded.
  4. scalacOptions - a list of scalac compiler options, e.g., ["-deprecation", "-feature"]; uses sensible defaults if missing.
  5. classpath - a list of items (e.g., jars) to be added to the classpath. Typically not needed when the file is created manually as dependencies are resolved automatically from the dependencies field.

You can use the sbt-scalavista plugin to generate a scalavista.json file for your project.


This is work in progress. Contributions and bug reports are most welcome!