
ROS object recognition using Pitt + Tensorflow

This ROS project realizes the recognition and tracking of multiple objects using a Kinect, the ontology is then saved using ARMOR. Using PITT and TENSORFLOW this architecture easily recognize objects providing:

  • Name of the object
  • Position
  • Tracking
  • Shape
  • Geometrical measures

The architecture


The architecture is modular and easy to access. It is divided into three main structures:

Pitt: processes the 3D pointcloud and returns position, shape and properties of the objects.

Rostensorflow: processes 2D images and returns position and label of the objects

Node Description Publish Subscribe
Broadcaster Provides the transformation matrix of the plane on which the objects lie
Tensorflow Recognizes name and position of the objects /TensorOutput /cameraB/rgb/image_rect_color

These two principal structures are merged together in order to have a single architecture. This branch merge informations from the two software and save data on the ontology.

Node Description Publish Subscribe
Merger Compares data coming from Tensorflow and Pitt, merging the objects informations if there is a match between the coordinates provided by the two. /results /geometric_tracker/trackedCluster

Results Save in the ontology the messages received from the merger, adding the shape informations given from Pitt /ransac_segmentation/trackedShapes


How to run

It is necessary to copy the folder object_detection contained in Tensorflow in the folder /tensorflow_node/src. All the downloaded components have to be in the same folder in which will be saved the object_recognition folder.

Launch the architecture using the single launch files:

  • $ roslaunch launch/launch_tensor.launch
  • $ roslaunch launch/table_segmentation.launch

or use the launcher for the entire project:

  • $ roslaunch launch/launch_project.launch


  • The camera is supposed to be still
  • Tensorflow recognizes just a small class of objects, if it can't assign a label no objects are recognized
  • Pit recognizes only primitive shapes, while Tensorflow only common objects
  • Tensorflow does a two-dimensional analysis of the scene while Pit analyzes a 3D pointcloud
  • Errors in recognition are due to pit, the positioning of the frame and the computation of tensor coordinates
  • Tensorflow has no tracker, for this reason we use the Pit tracker.


  • Report
  • Doxygen

To run doxygen documentation: open the file 'index.htm' in the folder documentation/html with a browser