
XOXO, but not hugs and kisses! Built with HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tic Tac Toe

XOXO, when it doesn't mean hugs and kisses

This app was created using only HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS.

This project is part of The Odin Project's curriculum, built to pratice what I've learnt.

It's a Tic Tac Toe game for 2 players or for 1 player VS the AI. To play against the computer you will have to write 'computer' in the second input field, as written in the instructions. It's fully responsive so that you can play on mobile too! N.B. AI just makes a random move, it's not a smart one.

🔗 Live preview: here

🔗 GitHub repo: here

Stack & Tools 🔨

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Vanilla JS
  • VS Code + ESLint + Node
  • Git & GitHub

What I learned 📖

  • Made concrete us of Module revealing patterns and factory functions, as preferred over plain constructors.
  • Learned modular developing and to split everything into small problems/objects.
  • Improved DOM manipulation and usage of event listeners.
  • Learned how set and get methods work and the logic behind. Studied private and public methods.
    • Tested how important it is with IIFE (Immediately Invoked Functions Expressions).
  • Explored new CSS concepts like webpack, var() and attr().
    • Mastered animation and transitions with JS .classList manipulations.
  • Found a stable workaround for using viewport units on iOS, without disruptions.

What could be improved 🔍

  • Study the minimax algorithm to make an unbeatable AI.
  • Better dividing of properties and methods between modules.


🗿 buondevid --> GitHub