
Remote Authentication Dial In User Service. (RADIUS) server in Ubuntu 14 Vagrant box

Primary LanguagePHP

FreeRADIUS Experimental Vagrant Box

This is a vagrant box that will simulate a FreeRADIUS installation in Ubuntu 14 Server


  • Vagrant
  • VirtualBox


Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/buonzz/vagrant-freeRADIUS.git

boot up the box

cd vagrant-freeRADIUS
vagrant up

It comes with daloRADIUS Web Inteface. to access it, visit

username: administrator
password: radius

To test the RADIUS server directly, execute inside the VM:

sudo radtest user1 testpwd localhost 18128 testing123

the above command uses radtest utility script to test a RADIUS server. the parameters explanation is:

  • user1 - the username
  • testpwd - the password
  • localhost - hostname/ip
  • 18128 - the port to connect with
  • testing123 - shared secret

it should reply with

Sending Access-Request of id 238 to port 1812
	User-Name = "user1"
	User-Password = "testpwd"
	NAS-IP-Address =
	NAS-Port = 18128
	Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=238, length=20


The machine has a fixed LAN address at

Starting the RADIUS Server

sudo /etc/init.d/freeradius stop

Stopping the RADIUS Server

sudo /etc/init.d/freeradius start

Whenever you change the configuration files, you might want to run it in debug mode first. To do this, run:

sudo freeradius -X


Users is configured to be stored and checked against a MySQL database, here is the credentials:

# MySQL root user
username: root
password: secret

# radius db creds
username: radius
password: secret
database: radius

There is a test user already inserted to radcheck table

username: user1
password: testpwd

Configuration files of RADIUS can be found in /etc/freeradius
