
SACPolicy size don't match in colletct_rollouts

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I've just made a simple test of this project and train_export worked fine to me but when I run eperiments/collect_rollouts.py followed by the readme instructions:
python experiments/collect_rollouts.py --env_id ReachWallEnv-v2 --basis_type rand --steps 16000 --eps 0.8

then I got an error like this:
2024-01-21 13-01-13 的屏幕截图

Currently I don't figure out how to solve this issue and wonder if there's something went wrong in train_expert progress.

Sorry for the late reply. This seems really strange. Did it happy in SAC.load?
Could be a sb3 / metaworld version issue. Recently I just fixed Issue #2 , can you give it a try by reinstalling the two packages?