
Plan for python/pm4py support

serkserk opened this issue · 3 comments


I see that you work with other process mining project like pm4py and interfacing it to bupar.
Do you have any plan on making this package compatible with pm4py/python ?


What kind of interface are you thinking of? With the pm4py package:
you can simply call all the PM4Py functions.

The only way forward I could think of is to make the animation a bit more generic. I am planning to have it support Causal nets generated by Heuristics Miner as developed here:

But this is not trivial as now tokens may split up in parallel branches.

I was asking that because there is no library like this one for process mining in python

Being able to call animate_process() in python on a pm4py object would be very helpfull

But because of the different net output, it of course not as easy

@fmannhardt How to draw graph process animation in Python? Thanks a lot