Token replay animation for process maps created with processmapR by using SVG animations (SMIL) and the htmlwidget package.
- 3
Animating incomplete processes
#18 opened by sheepworrier - 1
Must call bupaR::to_eventlog() when using absolute or relative animation mode
#46 opened by drhudgins - 0
Handling of Parallel activities
#44 opened by Stevew7777 - 0
Animate Process Using Milliseconds
#43 opened by njss - 0
Time out of sync in animate_process?
#42 opened by dkipb - 0
- 0
Repeating Activity/Node selection multiple times!
#40 opened by fsalemi - 0
Modifying the timeline length
#39 opened by fsalemi - 3
Plan for python/pm4py support
#17 opened by serkserk - 0
Cannot display French properly
#38 opened by zrx8269 - 4
Animate queue length on activities
#31 opened by lindeloev - 5
processanimater-legend : disappears - shinydashboard - multiple tabs - animate process
#32 opened by urvikalia - 4
- 0
Don't see infrequent edges. Is it possible?
#30 opened by ffalcolini - 8
Cannot integrate process animation into flexdashboard and combine with process_map
#16 opened by frkbr - 2
Animate Process - R Studio - Viewer
#29 opened by dupadhyaya - 5
Leaflet Rendering is not working in R 3.6.3
#27 opened by tsviken - 2
Performance regression in Chrome pre-80
#23 opened by fmannhardt - 2
Support heuristicsmineR Causal nets
#24 opened by fmannhardt - 0
- 1
- 1
Lag when token dissapear at the end
#19 opened by serkserk - 0
- 6
- 4
Error using animate_process with mode = "off"
#15 opened by serkserk - 1
Add some more documentation / example apps
#14 opened by fmannhardt - 1
- 6
Pause parameter to not auto play the animation
#12 opened by serkserk - 2
- 2
- 0
Colors / sizes of tokens mismatched
#8 opened by fmannhardt - 3
Adding legends to process map animations
#6 opened by czucchet - 4
- 9
- 3
- 3
- 2
Error in UseMethod("tbl_vars")
#3 opened by romanumero