Code 301... Code Wars!

Part of growing as a programmer is to practice, practice, practice. Throughout this course, there will be daily Code Wars challenges.

The daily challenge will be posted at 5:00 p.m. every day and will be due by the following day at 1:59 p.m. Plan to focus on this task every day after class between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Friday assignments should be completed independently (or with classmates if you plan to meet up) over the weekend and submitted by 1:59 p.m. on Monday.


With the exception of Monday morning, you will be working with a new partner every day for whiteboarding. This will also be your partner for the paired lab.

Between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. each day, get together with your partner and read through the daily challenge. There are several items to accomplish, as time allows:

  • Read through the challenge and make sure everyone understands what is being asked.
  • Pseudocode your solution on the whiteboard. You can each take turns in this process, or select one person to do all the writing, but each team member must participate in the discussion. Pseudocode can be described as writing out your plan in human-readable form. For example, set up a counter or multiply each value by 2.
  • You should not be writing any actual code, only referencing Code Wars for the problem domain.
  • Take a picture of your whiteboard pseudocode solution. Make sure each team member has a copy of the picture. This will be included in your personal repo and is part of the individual assignment requirements for full points.
  • You may then continue to work with your partner or part ways to work independently. You should now move on to attempting to write the solution on Code Wars.
  • You'll know your solution is correct when all of the tests pass and turn green. Only then can you add your solution to your repo.

GitHub repo

As part of today's assignment, create a new repository on GitHub to track your Code Wars solutions throughout 301. This repo should have a file with an overview of the purpose of the repo.

Work on a new branch for each challenge. For example, for today's challenge you can make a new branch with the command git checkout -b replace-all-dots. When you finish the assignment each day, make a new pull request from your daily challenge branch to your master branch and submit the URL in Canvas.

Within your repo, you should create a separate folder for today's Code Wars challenge. As we progress throughout this course, you will be creating a new folder for each solution, so start off with an organized repo!

Each folder should have the name of the challenge. Within each folder, you should include the following:

  • file with the description of the problem domain from Code Wars, a link to the challenge on Code Wars, and an overview of your process for solving the challenge.
  • Picture of your pseudocode from the whiteboarding exercise (except for the first individual assignment when you set up your repo)
  • JavaScript file of your solution after confirming that it passes on Code Wars. Your TAs will be confirming that your solution passes the tests, so make sure that it is complete before adding it to your repo. Besides, you wouldn't want a potential employer to see your broken code!

First Challenge

  1. Sign up for an account at Code Wars.
  2. Join the Code Fellows clan.
  3. Complete today's Kata.
  4. Create a new branch for today's challenge.
  5. Make a new folder in your Code Wars repository on Github. The name of the folder should be the same as the name of today's challenge.
  6. This folder should contain:
  • A file named "solution.js" which contains the JavaScript solution after confirming that it passes on Code Wars with green passing tests
  • A which includes the problem domain from Code Wars and a link to the challenge
  1. Make a pull request from your working branch to your master branch.
  2. Submit a link to your PR on Canvas.