This is a toolbox that implements the training and testing of the approach described in our papers: Feature Fusion for Image Retrieval with Adaptive Bitrate Allocation and Hard Negative Mining
The code of deep features extraction is modified based on this repo, and off-the-shelf models are shown below.
In order to run this toolbox you will need:
- Python3 (tested with Python 3.7.0 on Debian 8.1)
- PyTorch deep learning framework (tested with version 1.0.0)
Dataset Downloading
First of all, navigate (cd) to the root of the toolbox, and make test and train fold.
mkdir train mkdir test
And then you can download the dataset auxiliary file here ( train, test). After download the zip file of train and test, please decompression them into the corresponding folder.
Note: please download the sfm, oxford, paris CDVS dataset advance, and modify the path of the dataset auxiliary file, don't forget to do that.
CNNs' Models Training
Example training script is located in
python3 -um cirtorch.examples.train [-h] [--training-dataset DATASET] [--no-val] [--test-datasets DATASETS] [--test-freq N] [--arch ARCH] [--pool POOL] [--local-whitening] [--regional] [--whitening] [--not-pretrained] [--loss LOSS] [--loss-margin LM] [--image-size N] [--neg-num N] [--query-size N] [--pool-size N] [--gpu-id N] [--workers N] [--epochs N] [--batch-size N] [--optimizer OPTIMIZER] [--lr LR] [--momentum M] [--weight-decay W] [--print-freq N] [--resume FILENAME] [--using-cdvs CDVS_PARA] EXPORT_DIR
The main modify is the parameter of --using-cdvs. While specify the CDVS_PARA, you can control the parameter of CDVS weight (β) in hard-mining stage. And while the CDVS_PARA equals 0, represent not do the hard-mining mentioned in our paper.
For example, to train our best network described in our paper test on oxford5k, run the following command.
python3 -um cirtorch.examples.train YOUR_EXPORT_DIR --gpu-id '0' --training-dataset 'retrieval-SfM-120k' --test-datasets 'oxford5k' --arch 'resnet101' --pool 'gem' --loss 'contrastive' --loss-margin 0.85 --optimizer 'adam' --lr 5e-7 --neg-num 5 --query-size=2000 --pool-size=2000 --batch-size 5 --image-size 362 --using-cdvs 0.2
Testing our pretrained networks
You can download our pretrained network for oxford5k here.
To evaluate them run:
python3 -m cirtorch.examples.test_extract2 --gpu-id '0' --network-path YOUR_DOWNLOAD_PATH --datasets 'oxford5k' --multiscale '[1, 1/2**(1/2), 1/2]' [--using-cdvs 0] [--ir-remove 0] [--ir-adaption 0]
--using-cdvs is equivalent to the parameter
, --ir-remove is equivalent toα
, and --ir-adaption is equivalent toT
in our paper. The script will generate a rank.txt file to record the result.Note: Before re-ranking the retrieval result, please run the match_ir.exe script first.
In order to run this toolbox you will need:
- Python3 (tested with Python 3.7.0 on Debian 8.1)
- PyTorch deep learning framework (tested with version 1.0.0)
- Windows to run exe file(tested with Windows10)
It's the python script to compute the RHD of a picture in our paper. The lambda_RHD in line 9 is the parameter
, lambda_R in line 10 is the parameterλR
, and bitave in line 11 is the average bitrate we used in the bitrate allocation process. Don't forget to modify your own deep feature path in line 17.After run the script, you will get a result global txt file in which each line represent the bitrate for each image in the database.
The parameters file we used for extract CDVS descriptor. the common mode we used is 8, which bitrate is 1024 bytes.
To extract the CDVS global descriptor of a image list run:
extract_global_resize.exe test_database.txt 8 parameters_ukbench.txt
To extract the CDVS descriptor of a image list run:
extract_resize.exe test_database.txt 8 parameters_ukbench.txt
To extract the CDVS descriptor of a image list based on the bitrate allocation run:
txt_defined_resize.exe test_database.txt result_global.txt 8 parameters_ukbench.txt
The result_global.txt is generated by the above.
To do image retrieval using the CDVS descriptor of a image retrieval list run:
retrieve.exe DB test_retrieval.txt 8 parameters_ukbench.txt
To build a database of a image list run:
mkdir dataindex ti-mk_index.exe test_database.txt DB 8 parameters_ukbench.txt
To re-ranking the image retrieval ranks file generated by the file run :
match_ir.exe test_query.txt test_database.txt cdvs_test_retrieval_ranks.txt 8 parameters_ukbench.txt 100
Then it will generate a new rank list file. Put it into the origin rank file fold to do the next re-ranking steps in the