This is an official implementation of our AAAI2022 paper AdaptivePose and Arxiv paper AdaptivePose++
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 2
problem about 'resample2d_cuda'
#17 opened by YangChen-00 - 8
#7 opened by zhaoduanlu - 2
How to get good pose estimation?
#16 opened by quqixun - 3
#11 opened by li575867 - 3
无法测试,TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'hps_channel'
#15 opened by Yuhyeong - 8
the pretrain_models of CrowdPose data
#14 opened by suijua - 2
#13 opened by suijua - 2
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Can i ask you some questions
#12 opened by caiusy - 15
how to run demo.py?
#8 opened by caiusy - 1
Is 3D coordinate estimation supported?
#9 opened by Ared521 - 0
- 0
Can you publish a py to onnx
#2 opened by Deep-learning999 - 0
Compare with mmpose
#6 opened by xjgnqnl - 4
#1 opened by yzew - 1
No such file or directory: '/home/aa/AdaptivePose-master/src/lib/../../exp/multi_pose_wodet/hrnet_48_coco640/model_last.pth'
#3 opened by yzew - 1
The jitter of performance
#4 opened by buptxyb666