

Works only for macOS/ARM64

This repo is only for my personal use. I want to understand how Kubernetes works behind the hood by following the Kubernetes The Harder Way

Where I have stopped

I have stopped at the Installing Kubernetes Control Plane section.


Setup commands

An abstract numeric ID is assigned to VMs. This ID will come in handy in scripts when we want to differentiate between the VMs:

  • gateway has ID 0

  • control nodes have IDs 1 through 3

  • worker nodes have IDs 4 through 6

  • Setup the vm

     for vmid in $(seq 0 6); do
       ./vmsetup.sh $vmid
  • Setup vm SSH

     ./vmssh.sh $vmid
  • Run a VM

    sudo qemu-system-aarch64 \
      -nographic \
      -machine virt,accel=hvf,highmem=on \
      -cpu host \
      -smp 2 \
      -m 2G \
      -bios /opt/homebrew/share/qemu/edk2-aarch64-code.fd \
      -nic vmnet-shared,start-address=,end-address=,subnet-mask=,mac=52:52:52:00:00:00 \
      -hda gateway/disk.img \
      -drive file=gateway/cidata.iso,driver=raw,if=virtio

Launch VMs

  • sudo ./vmlaunchall.sh kubenet-qemu
  • sudo tmux attach -t kubenet-qemu
  • sudo tmux kill-session -t kubenet-qemu
  • ./vmsshall.sh kubenet-ssh

QEMU utils

  • Ctrl+Opt+2 => Switch to serial port
  • Ctrl+Opt+3 => Switch to parallel port
  • Ctrl+Opt+2 => Switch to monitor console
  • Ctrl+Opt+G => release mouse




Run those commands in the auth directory

  • Generating certs & kubeconfigs: ./genauth.sh
  • Generating cluster data encryption key: ./genenckey.sh
  • Distributing certificates and keys: ./deployauth.sh
  • Setting up local kubeconfig: ./setuplocalkubeconfig.sh