
Matlab/Octave scripts to be used in the symmetry-reduced study of the 1D Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation in a periodic domain

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


This repository holds the Matlab/Octave scripts which were used in the in-slice integration of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky system in Budanur et al. (2014).

Quick start

In order to test the code on your system, start a Matlab or Octave instance in ffmSice/scripts/ and run ks_statesp_red or ks_statesp_full. When runs, ks_statesp_red and ks_statesp_full produces Matlab/Octave-equivalents of Figure 2 b and Figure 2 a of Budanur et al. (2014) respectively.

Tested on

Octave 3.8.1, and Matlab R2013b

File descriptions


  • Lg.m : SO(2) generator

  • LieEl.m : SO(2) element

  • SliceCond.m : Slice condition

  • slicep.m : Slice fixing point (0,1,0,0,...)

  • vel.m : Velocity function in real representation

  • vksred.m : Reduced velocity function in real representation

  • gradV.m : KS stability matrix in real representation

  • gradVred.m : KS reduced stability matrix

  • ksETDRK4.m : KS solver in full state space

  • ksETDRK4red.m : KS solver in the first-mode slice

  • ks_statesp_red.m : Computes the unstable manifold of TW_1 on the first Fourie mode slice, and plots it on a state space projection along with TW_2, and RPO_{33.50} (arXiv: 1405.1096, Fig 2.b).

  • ks_statesp_full.m : Same with ks_statesp_red.m, but trajectories are computed in the full state space, in addition, group orbits of TW_1 and TW_2 are drawn (arXiv: 1405.1096, Fig 2.a).


  • docSlice.tex: Latex document which explains implementation details of the in-slice integration of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky system. pdflatex docSlice

  • def.tex: Definitions used in docSlice.tex


MIT license

Copyright (c) 2014 Nazmi Burak Budanur, http://cns.physics.gatech.edu/~burak