

There are two ways to run app

First Way

You should create couchbase container named couchbasedb

docker run -d -p 8091:8091 --name couchbasedb couchbase

After database creation, you should set configs following

  • Username: Administrator
  • Password: 123456
  • Bucket Name: TodoApp

Next step, you need to create an index for complete couchbase configuration

  • Go to Query Editor clicking by Query tab and type query following:

    CREATE INDEX ix_type ON TodoApp(type)
  • Click the Execute button for run query

  • if you have a result after execution following, its sounds like configurations completed successfully

      "results": []

Lastly you should create api container link with couchbasedb container. It is going to pull dokerixed app from DockerHub

docker run -d -p 5001:80 --link couchbasedb burakhayirli/dotnetcore-couchbase-todoapp-webapi

Now, you can run your application

Second Way

  • You should clone that repository by downloading zip file or pull with git clone command

    git clone
  • Project already have a docker-compose file for dockerize Asp.Net Core WebApi and Couchbase Server.

  • You can run docker-compose file by Package Manager Console into Visual Studio Envirenment or Command Line on your Windows Machine.

  • Simply you can type and run commands following:

    docker-compose build

    alt text

    docker-compose up -d

    alt text

Couchbase Server Configuration

  • After installation you should configure your Couchbase Server.

  • You can achieve Couchbase Server GUI by following instructions:

  • On your browser, go to url


Setting up required fields on configuration screen following:

  • Username: Administrator

  • Password: 123456

Add a Bucket

  • Bucket Name: TodoApp

Finally, you need to create an index for complete couchbase configuration

  • Go to Query Editor clicking by Query tab and type query following:

    CREATE INDEX ix_type ON TodoApp(type)
  • Click the Execute button for run query

  • if you have a result after execution following, its sounds like configurations completed successfully

      "results": []

API Explanation

There are two way posting requests to our Restful Api. You can you Swagger UI or Postman

If you want to use swagger you should go to following url:


alt text

  • First of all, you need to create an api user. You can use Register tab and post your informations.
  • After that you have to login and get an Access Token. So, you can copy and paste this token in the Authorize section without Bearer keyword.
  • After authentication process, you can try crud users, categories and tasks.

Used Technologies and Packages Stack

  • Asp.Net Core 5 (.Net 5) (Used for WebAPI and UnitTests Layers)
  • .Net Standart 2.1 (Used for Business, DataAccess, Entities and Core layers)
  • CouchbaseNetClient
  • Linq2Couchbase
  • AutoMapper
  • Fluent Validation
  • Fluent Assertions
  • Autofac
  • Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection
  • Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy
  • Castle.Core
  • log4net
  • NUnit
  • Moq
  • JWT
  • Swashbuckle.AspNetCore (Used for Swagger UI)
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Unit Tests

  • WhenCorrectPasswordForExistingEmailIsGiven_Login_ReturnsUserForCorrectEmail

  • WhenValidInputAreGiven_Register_ShouldBeReturnAdded

  • WhenExistUserEmailIsGiven_Register_ShouldBeReturnUserAlreadyExists


  • Create CategoryService Tests
  • Create TaskService Tests