
Replay nginx/haproxy logs for the sake of stress testing

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Replay Nginx/Haproxy/SOLR logs

MIT License Build Status


go get -u github.com/Gonzih/log-replay


Usage of log-replay:
    	Print extra debugging information
  -file string
    	Log file name to read. Read from STDIN if file name is '-' (default "-")
  -file-type string
    	Input log type (nginx, haproxy or solr) (default "nginx")
  -format string
    	Nginx log format (default "$remote_addr [$time_local] \"$request\" $status $request_length $body_bytes_sent $request_time \"$t_size\" $read_time $gen_time")
  -log string
    	File to report timings to, default is stdout (default "-")
  -prefix string
    	URL prefix to query (default "http://localhost")
  -ratio int
    	Replay speed ratio, higher means faster replay speed (default 1)
    	Skip sleep between http calls based on log timestapms
  -timeout int
    	Request timeout in milliseconds, 0 means no timeout (default 60000)
        Enable rolling window functionality to stop log replaying in case of failure (default false)
        Size of the window to track response status (default 1000)
        Percentage of the error to stop log replaying (min:1, max:99, default 40)
# Replay access log
log-replay --file my-acces.log --debug --log out.log

# Duplicate traffic on the staging host
tail -f /var/log/acces.log | log-replay --prefix http://staging-host --log staging.log --skip-sleep

Output log format

Log is tab separated values:

status	start-time	duration	url payload err

# Examples
200	1469792268	629904766	/my-url
500	1469792268	629904766	/my-url	Get http://localhost/another-url: dial tcp [::1]:80: getsockopt: connection refused
  • status is integer
  • start-time is unix timestamp in seconds
  • duration is in nanoseconds
  • url is full url with prefix
  • payload is stringified post data
  • error is go lang error formatted to string and is optional

Only GET?

Nginx/Haproxy logs are currently limited to GET only. SOLR requests will use post format for everything, as a way to subvert GET length limitations.

Log formats

  • To correctly use the solr adapter, it is required that the log4 pattern is configured as follows:
  <pattern>%d %p %C{1.} [%t] %m%n%ex</pattern>
