
This repo includes the applications of 4-parted "C# .NET Core Clean Architecture & CQRS Proje Altyapı Kursu" Udemy course prepared by Engin Demiroğ.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


  • DDD Oriented Clean Architecture Implementation

  • CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation)

  • SOLID and Clean Code Techniques

  • Sync and Async Repository with Paging

  • Dynamic Search

  • Response Request Pattern Oriented Mapping (Automapper)

  • Entity Framework Implementation with Best Practices

  • API Implementation

  • Extensions

  • Relational Domain Modelling

  • Code First Migration

  • Business Rules with Clean Code

  • Global Error (Exception) Handling

  • MediatR Pipelines

  • Fluent Validation Implementation with MediatR

  • Transactional Operation Implementation with Transaction Pipeline

  • Caching Pipeline (Redis or InMemory)

  • Logging Pipeline with Serilog (File or Mssql)

  • Security and JWT Implementation (Authorization Pipeline)

  • Otp Authenticator (Otp.NET)


  • MediatR

  • Entity Framework Core

  • FluentValidation

  • Serilog

  • Otp.NET

  • Serilog